You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(12-22-2017, 11:41 AM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> Let's be the better person and properly apologize to Miriam first.

Well, might as well go looking for Miriam. Assuming she's not who's following you, you're not sure of a better way to figure out where she went than to check with Stahl, and/or hope you just run into her somewhere on the way back to the castle.

You have the good fortune of spotting her sitting outside of a cafe, staring up at the sky. For her talk about your green skin making you easy to spot, her weird white coat thing is equally as conspicuous. You approach a bit cautiously, feeling like you're getting close to a bubbling pot that may in the near future explode. "Um...hi."
She snaps her head in your direction, and after a brief second to recognize you says, "Oh, hello there." And then turns her head back toward the sky.
"What're you...lookin' at."
"I'm certain you can see it as well as I can," Miriam says, pointing.

There's a black spot in the sky, off in the distance. It's pretty much always been there, so hardly anyone questions it or even brings it up in conversation. When you were younger, you asked your master what it was, and she just said she'd tell you when you were older--which increasingly seemed to be her version of "I don't know."

"Oh, that thing. Listen, I uh, wanted to apologize for running off on you the other day."
Without turning her head: "Mhm?"
"It's just that you didn't seem like you were gonna take no for an answer, and I was really tired, and..."
"I was shouting and butting my head into your business," she finishes. "It's understandable. I didn't know anything about your situation at that time." Miriam pauses to adjust her glasses. You've never understood why people with glasses have to stop talking just to do that. "I waited only one hour before concluding you had decided to avoid me. I had some calculations to do anyway, so the time wasn't wasted.

"Everyone I talk to has the same reaction. 'Oh, that thing'. 'What about it?' 'It sure is there.' Do you know what it is? Have you ever even tried to guess?"


Date: 1/11
Time: About three quarters

Status & Inventory:

3716 Cole

Location: Syzygy

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info


Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 19 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 12-27-2017, 04:46 AM