Being trans in a society with such a rigid gender binary as the athonae is hard work, but this lovely lady makes do! She’s had her horns surgically straightened and can rarely be seen without a wig that’s effectively a full face mask with holes only for her eyes, horns and mandibles. The rest of the fur on her body she usually shaves off. As one of her favourite hobbies is looking gorgeous, she bedecks herself in all the finery she can get her claws on and loves brightly-coloured dresses to match.
Her other favourite hobby, though, has to be tinkering. If she can get her hands on a gadget she’ll take it apart to see how it works and put it together even better than before - or at least, that’s what she’d say. She takes such pride in her skills she adamantly refuses to use most anything she hasn’t made or altered herself. No inventor or mechanic could do nearly as good a job as her! In reality this tends to backfire miserably on her when she tries to ‘fix’ something already made well enough by professionals and it blows up in her face, but she’ll blame anyone except herself for that. She’s more a hardware than software kind of gal, and while she’ll make just about anything robotics is her favourite field of work. Her pride and joy is a robotic lower body (which she calls a ‘robobutt’ because she has the sense of humour of a five year old) made to mimic that of an AFAB athonae. It both helps with her dysphoria and is equipped with innumerable tools and weaponry she can pull out at a moment’s notice. What can she say, she likes to be prepared! And is perhaps a little paranoid. Only a little, she insists. Only a little.
Over the years her skills in making weaponry and machinery advanced enough that she itched to put them to a better use than decorating her shelves. As you do, she decided that the best course of action was to become a vigilante. Some nights when the mood takes her she’ll sneak out, disguised and armed, to help anyone in need she comes across (and punch some suckers who deserve it).
One thing’s for sure: her life is never wanting for excitement, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.