Alien Secret Santa: Get Gifts in by 11PM EST

Alien Secret Santa: Get Gifts in by 11PM EST
RE: Secret Santa But With Aliens
right okay right i wanted to sign up for this right right right let's do this oh god what do i like

Likes: tuff girls what like to fight, cute people, people who are cute and tuff simultaneously. bugs n' furries. body horror is cool, but especially body horror that the "victim" of it is totally cool with. I also got a history of apparently being into inventor types. also transformation is cool look i have 'good body horror' listed is this a surprise oh yeah and of course i love contrast between appearance and personality
Dislikes: i dunno i guess i don't really know what to do with characters that aren't at least somewhat humanoid, like, pure quadripeds and the like. AS well as characters that are like, monstrous in mind, like, lack of rational thought kinda stuff.
Aesthetics: uhhhhh purple is always a good color, i guess? top aesthetic is urban fantasy, but like, dingy urban fantasy. the pawn shop downtown that you weren't sure was there yesterday, a neon sign not quite working right, flickering, advertising all your dreams coming true.
An aging mall, more storefronts empty than actually containing stores. There's a certain sterility to it, somebody is keeping things very clean, despite the dwindling clientele. There's an intense feeling of unfamiliarity, like nobody here comes from anywhere you'd recognize, and yet somehow you feel safe. Whoever keeps care of this place watches over all who walk its halls.
These pictures give me the strongest feelings of this: [X] [X] [X]
this doesn't specifically mean magic so much as a sense of the unreal, really.
Absolutely does not want: i mean i kinda used my dislikes to give what i'd be less inclined to want, but i'm not gonna explicitly say you can't try if you think you have like, just the idea to make me more into it. nothing really i'd be super against OH WAIT except racists and the like. keep that [racist] trait away from me thx
and i mean on the 'not required but consider otherwise' front, look we all love notails but there are enough notails already, and they aren't furry enough anyways
Any other info: I hope I win!!

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