Alien Secret Santa: Get Gifts in by 11PM EST

Alien Secret Santa: Get Gifts in by 11PM EST
RE: Secret Santa But With Aliens
Note while my lists are big do not feel like you have to jam every single thing into one character, just pick a few things you want to sprinkle in! If you don't get any fun ideas from the below that's ok, cause there's nothing more I love than being surprised! If you can't think of anything please make an OC that YOU would love as long as it's none of my don'ts.

Likes: Clockworks, Shitty edgy plot twists*, Any type of horror like social/emotional/body horror but mostly social horror, Notails, intelligent horror monsters, GLITCHES AND GAME META HORROR, on the lighter side of things I like nearly every species but I'm REALLY digging all the species submitted this round, Hybrids!, Capture creatures, Adorable characters who are really cute, Positive minded characters who are utterly hopeful and never give up, just about anything on my don't lists.

Dislikes: Multi-headedness unless for horror, True hiveminds, species who cannot vocalize, really hard to grasp concepts like the 4th dimension, Dark/horror for horror/edgy sake. Not too into characters who lets say murder their family because "They're Edgy" etc. I like bad edgy plot twists but with meaning if you get my flow. (As a note for most of those those are for personal ocs, I love most of those things otherwise)

Aesthetics: Good examples of my aesthetics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Aesthetics x2: Black and Gold, Black and Gold again, Black and bright blue but sometimes with gold. Don't feel worried you have to make a black and gold character though, feel free to surprise me! ALSO GLITCHES AND GAME META HORROR. STILL THAT YES.

Absolutely does not want: Ocs of species I have personally created unless it's a notail! I'll take Ocs of AIs I have created though! I'll only take a notail oc if it's a notail leader who isn't the R,P, or N leader! Please check out the notail section for what the numbers of the other leaders are! I wouldn't recommend doing a notail oc unless you think you can get the notail aesthetic right. (See the O-class entries.)

Any other info: Feel free to take two of my ocs and then smash them together to make a fictional child I love ship children. When I mean my Ocs know I don't mean characters like Cobalt or Nova, I mean my personal Ocs like O-2 or my AIs, no characters who have been made for our crews. (Unless the ship is Athena x Eris, I don't want ship kids from that.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]

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