Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest 6.0
(11-30-2017, 12:21 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »[Image: sqc5fYh.png]

This post passes rule 4.

(11-30-2017, 01:23 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »remember the episode where it cold

This post passes rule 2.

(11-30-2017, 02:04 PM)Robust Laser Wrote: »i was rewatching The One Where You Learn How You Die the other day and like, honestly while I appreciate the ways they decided to really shake up the format that season, it was just a bit too uncomfortable.

This post passes rules 2 and 3.

(11-30-2017, 06:04 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig

left, right, center, top, bottom, forward, backward, ana, kata

~ ` ! @ # $ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /

Ixcaliber, Wheat, Myeth, Schazer, Dragon, Fogel, Reyweld, Akumu, Robust Laser, Kíeros, SinkingSailor, a52, Arcanuse


DuckreportDrudgerepondMcCoffeeAw beans!RaaaaageSchadenfruitMeloncholyMeloncoolyThis post is now a ghost postMelonspaSanji no miIt's Larry!Thank You, PleaseCrying EagleMinionWhoaAgenfaceFact Seagull

post post post post post post post post post post post

and just in case: rainbow

Wow, what an amazingly good post! It passes rules 2 and 3. It just barely doesn't pass rule 1.

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