Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
WARNING: a description of a substandard friends episode follows:
It is Thanksgiving Day and after watching a football game on television, the gang decides to play their own game of football. Monica and Ross are reluctant and tell the others that they have not been allowed to play football since Monica broke Ross' nose in the sixth annual Geller Cup on a Thanksgiving long ago. With the gang egging them on, they decide to play anyway. Monica picks Joey and Phoebe, Ross picks Chandler and ultimately, Rachel, who is upset about being last picked. The guys refuse to include Rachel on any plays, as she is terrible at football. She gets so bored, she wanders off for a snack.

As they play, Joey and Chandler meet a Dutch girl, Margha. They both try to impress her, finally picking Chandler once Ross forces her to choose between the two guys. While Chandler does a victory dance, Margha changes her mind and picks neither of them.

After Monica's team has the lead, Ross is upset. They orchestrate a trade: Rachel for Joey. The girls try to beat the men, making Phoebe show off her breasts to Chandler. During the last 30 seconds, Monica has no choice but to throw to Rachel, who seemingly scores and spikes the ball. However, Chandler points out that she was actually short of the goal line and everyone realizes the ball is still live. Ross and Monica dive for the ball and try to take it from each other to win the game. After several minutes, the rest of the gang retreats upstairs to have Thanksgiving dinner, while Ross and Monica continue to fight over the ball in the dark.

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