[library] - a textuna adventure

[library] - a textuna adventure
RE: [library] - a textuna adventure
For a moment, Majesty thinks and pauses.

What would Loi do?

Loi would think first. They'd make a plan. They'd tell Fredrick, or maybe not, and then...

That is when they charge headfirst into battle.

Now that they think about it, it would be good to have a plan. Too bad Loi's just a protagonist from their favorite book series. There would be no hidden back up this time.

There was Kno to think about, too. Would they be okay in the dark, alone?

The scratching grows louder once more. Farther, but still on the shelves.

Whatever that was wouldn't go down. It was stuck on the shelves too.

They hesitate.

Staring into the darkness, they briefly recalled a notail tradition they read late at night. It too perfectly encompassed their feelings.

Impulsively, they briefly did a two handed salute, tucking their head in the crook of their arm.

The scratching increases. It sounds like it's coming to them. It's coming closer.

Majesty's breathing quickens. It knew they were there. It knew.

They backed away slowly, ignoring the splinters the old wooden shelf gave their feet. They slowly closed their wings around themselves, hoping that whatever it was wouldn't notice.

Their mind searched for a weapon.

Then they remembered.

Loi raised their book- the book filled with swirling wonder and magic, brimming at the seams- and cast it away. The bright light attracted the fauna around them to it, leaving them and Fredrick safe.

For now.

So they did that.

Trembling, they took out a book from the shelf- a light novel. Whispering a quiet sorry to it, they threw it far in front of them. It landed with a thump on the other side of a different shelf.

The scratching stopped and grew quieter.

Majesty breathed a sigh of relief.

Yet impulsively, they found themselves following the noise. The shelf was cold under their bare feet, but they didn't complain.

It would be a little bit of time before they could reach the source.

They wonder what they would do when they got there.

For now, Kno should not be forgotten. They were seated against the wall, their wings curling around them, cushioning their body like a pillow. Their tail swished back and forth as their gaze constantly went back to the shelf Majesty climbed.

They've checked their phone. It's been fifteen minutes. They wouldn't be surprised if Majesty was still trying to climb the wall, however.

For them, it was complete and utter silence. They've only heard a brief noise every now and then. The silence was unnerving.

Especially in a near empty library which just experienced a black out.

They've been trying to wait patiently for Majesty to come down, but it's growing difficult to occupy themselves with history they can't read.

They stare off in the darkness and close their eyes in thought.

They have several choices.

They could try to follow Majesty. They're not very dexterous as they are, however, and would easily fall. Maybe there's a ladder somewhere.

They could explore the darkness. They're not sure why, however.

They could call Clei and hope they remebered her number correctly.

....Or they could simply wait again, and continue reading.

That, or they could try doing something else.

They sigh. What shall they do?

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