thread where i shout motivational things at you

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thread where i shout motivational things at you
RE: thread where i shout motivational things at you

so like I've always been the type of person who sleeps 3-5 hours, and I've been doin this for the past 5 months and i didn't realise how much it frickin sucked until i passed out last thursday at 9 pm, the earliest I've ever slept considering that not even on school days do i sleep before 11. I woke up at 8:30 am, and the first thing i thought was "fuck i just lost like 6 hours of valuable time i could be doing something" before realising that i dont feel like shit.

Because it finally feels like my eyelids weren't weighted by boulders and my head wasn't buzzing with 7 songs playing a certain lyric like a broken record and i can actually focus on something without drifting into an entirely different plane of existence during breakfast with my family. When i was done with everything, I felt like doing stuff which is not just "stare at the thing you accidentally flung into the ceiling and it hasn't come down for 10 months". I was able to finish multiple projects that i left discarded, and I felt excited and clear headed and confident in myself, and now i remember why i used to sleep at 8:30 pm every day last year. It makes you feel motivated. SO PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND SLEEP UNTIL YOU WAKE UP BEFORE YOUR ALARM CLOCK RINGS, its fuckin worth it, and it's in no way "wasted hours", which is a mindset im tryin to get rid of myself because its real harmful.

So yeah, moral of this wall of text is TDLR; whats the point of "wasted hours" you used sleeping if you dont even feel like doing anything with them?

Messages In This Thread
RE: thread where i shout motivational things at you - by Myeth - 11-19-2017, 12:19 PM