Bacon Winfest

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Bacon Winfest
Bacon Winfest
"Wow, Otaku Melee is so incredible!" the Fanboy declared to no one in particular as he watched the battle on his extradimensional TV. "Just think about it! Eight characters in a battle to the death through seven rounds! It's amazing! Everything about it is perfect, except there isn't enough of it!"

And then he started thinking.

"But maybe there could be enough! Hey, what if I started my own Otaku Melee? Ooh, I could pick out the best characters! And the best rounds! It would be even more awesome than the Otaku Melee! So awesome that it would need an even more awesome names! Something like...


Oh man, yeah, that's perfect! Man, all the other omnipotent extradimensional entities are going to be sooo jealous!"

And minutes later, the Fanboy was flipping through the pages of his comic collection, looking over his video games, and watching TV.

In other words, it was a perfectly ordinary day for him.

Welcome to the Bacon Winfest! This is a Grand Battle variant, or more specifically an Otaku Melee variant.

There are just two rules.
1. Your character must be from an existing work of media.
2. They must be a terrible character.

Obviously Point 2 is subjective, but I'll trust your judgement. So here's a profile template.

Name: The character's name, obviously.
From: The original source of the character. You may want to link to a wiki article on them so other people have an idea who they are.
Gender: Male, Female, or any other descriptor that applies.
Race: Human? Robot? Sentient toaster? Mention it here.
Text Color: I'm using #D87A3B, pick your own and hopefully it will be distinct enough from the others.
Weapons and Abilities: What can they do? Optionally, if their abilities are why you find them terrible, explain that in here.
Description: A brief description of the character, both physically and in terms of personality. This might be a good place to explain why you find them so terrible if it doesn't fit anywhere else.
Biography: A brief summary of what happened during their life. Again, feel free to expand on their terribleness in here.

Eliminations will be decided based on who's the least entertaining each round, in either a good way or a bad way. Assuming we get that far.

Now let's get this trainwreck going!


Messages In This Thread
Bacon Winfest - by Dragon Fogel - 01-14-2013, 12:37 AM
RE: Bacon Winfest - by Solaris - 01-14-2013, 01:06 AM
RE: Bacon Winfest - by Nopad - 01-14-2013, 01:46 AM
RE: Bacon Winfest - by Gatr - 01-14-2013, 03:21 AM
RE: Bacon Winfest - by MaxieSatan - 01-14-2013, 05:34 PM
RE: Bacon Winfest - by AgentBlue - 01-15-2013, 04:38 AM