[RPG Project] In need of species submissions!

[RPG Project] In need of species submissions!
[RPG Project] In need of species submissions!
Hello, my name is Vortexius13 and for the past month or so I have been working on converting the Fortuna webcomic format into a 1-player tabletop RPG system. I'm currently having some of my friends playtest it for me, and it seems to be working well so far! I'll post the rules to this thread on start another one if anyone is interested in trying it. What I've registered on the forums for, however, is to populate the game setting I'm using for it. I have come up with plenty of alien species for previous games in systems like Fate Accelerated, Pathfinder, and Dungeon Planet, but I don't want to reuse any of them, and I enjoy the amount of diversity Fortuna has because of all of your contributions. Submission rules are as follows:
You can submit by replying to this post or emailing me at VortexiusDM@gmail.com
Do not submit anything that is in the Cosmodex, has been submitted to the Cosmodex, or you are planning to submit to the Cosmodex.
No omnipotent or invulnerable species, and nothing NSFW.
Submissions must have the following information:
Species name (singular and plural), average stats (Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, Endurance, Agility, and Luck, all must be at least 1 except Luck, must add up to 26), description of species, name of homeworld, diet and lifespan, common traits (at least two green, two blue, and two red. Can be from the traitdex, but don't have to be. If not in traitdex, provide a basic description along with the trait. If common or mandatory, also list purple or yellow traits), racial traits (these are color-coded grey, they are usually low power but something innate to all members of the race like [Good sense of smell], [High alcohol tolerance], or [Allergic to kudzu]. Can have anywhere from 0 to 3 of them), common jobs, and rarity.
Optional information:
Species nickname, Species naming theme (I already have a race named after knots, and one named after mathematical theorems and conjectures. This really helps me out, I'm terrible at naming NPCs), species history, species culture, description of homeworld, subspecies (if applicable), notable members of the species, and any trivia or fun facts.
Thanks in advance everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing firsthand just how creative you can be!

EDIT: If you have submitted something to the Cosmodex and it has been rejected, you can submit it here if you want, I just don't want to use anything that might end up in there (i.e. currently pending or planned on being submitted). I'm not planning on putting the setting online currently, but if I do, anything from or inspired by these submissions will be credited to their respective creators.

Messages In This Thread
[RPG Project] In need of species submissions! - by Vortexius13 - 11-02-2017, 11:51 PM