Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)

Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
Is it just me, or is your art getting more and more elaborate with every update?

Sphere, be slightly disruptive to the soul cleansing process. Normally, do not cause anything noticeable, but on very rare occasions prevent the memories to be removed, mostly partially or even entirely on extremely rare occasions.

Birdling, feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Break into a happy dance.
As you drunkenly stumble around, somehow manage to keep your balance. Do not, however, be able to prevent on stepping on a number of things that would best not be stepped on. Or want to be stepped on.

The first Slix explorers/colonists, venture out towards the four compass directions.

- The vessel heading east, find another floating island just beyond the horizon. The island is a bit smaller than their home island, with no constantly running water and supporting a lot less vegetation. Do not have much in a way of value, except that it contains veins of a mysterious mineral with strange, but rather useful alchemic properties. Slix government, decide to set up a mining outpost there, staffed primarily by their most unwanted citizens.
Constant exposure to large amounts of the mineral, cause miners to develop odd, but strangely uniform mutations, one of which is the strengthening and enlargement of their lower arms to the point that they can be comfortably used as a pair of legs. Mutant miners, find the changes to be rather useful in maneuvering in the narrow mine shafts. Most other slixen that know of this mineral effect, consider the mutants to be disfigured abominations, best never to be exposed to the normal slix society ever again.

- The airship heading south, run into a pack of spotted golden felimoths, just as it's crossing a vast savanna. The beautiful but predatory felimoths, do not normally be a threat anything as big as an airship (or even to slixen themselves), as they ordinarily only prey on small animals, but in a panic cause enough damage to the balloon to force it to crash land.
Once on the ground, the explorers and settlers are forced to do their best to not only repair the airship, but to merely survive against both dangerous predators (such as the dreaded cheetapillar, the fastest running predator in the savanna, which is also the larval form of the spotted golden felimoth) as well as the primitive and aggressive Leopines, which are the only sentient species native in the region.

- The airship heading north, find yourself over a cold boreal forest.

- Airship heading west, be forced to cross a vast ocean, dotted with reefs and islands.

The Jackalotaurs that eat the entfruit, first begin experiencing mood fluctuations and other pregnancy symptoms due to the hormones emitted by the ent embryos. Soon, however, develop insatiable hunger in order to feed the growing ents inside their rapidly expending abdomens.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, Bare Ent Butz) - by Myeth - 06-23-2017, 04:22 PM
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RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships) - by Torchfire - 10-31-2017, 05:33 PM