Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
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Schazer Wrote:"Yeah, about that,"
Lordlyhour Wrote:Politely Inform the most excellent speechcat you haven't the foggiest as to where it is you came in from. Your memory appears to have gone the same way as the dinosaurs; Trapped inside an evaporating train.

[Image: listen.gif]

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] Yeah, about that...

I don't have any memories of anything, before I woke up.
Where I came from, how I got here, any of that.

Ah, yes. Octavo mentioned your Soul had been damaged. [Image: leto_sigh_RFL.png]
You truly don't remember anything, though?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Nope. Except for who I am. I think?

I see. I hadn't expected you to be this far gone. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]
Let's not dwell on that, though. We should focus on how...

[Image: hana_rough_angry_LFR.png] Oh, no, we're not doing this again. No more vagueness!
Before we do anything, you're gonna tell me what's going on.


Very well. To delay further poses no risk to me. [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]
Therefore, if that is your wish, Human? So be it.

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] It's what I want, yeah. Just try not to be wordy about it.

And keep it simple. This is all new to me.

Fair enough. To speak plainly, then... [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]

By the sound of it, you are approaching a condition of Ego Death.
Your Soul- that is, your memories, identity, and essence- has been damaged.

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png] Okay. This is that Soulfray thing?

Why would that have happened to me, though?
And what does this mean? Is my memory... sick or something?

Oh, how should one put this? [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]

Exposure to the raw energy of The Dreaming has this effect on the living.
This happens for reasons that don't bear getting into, unless you insist?

Suffice it to say, the bond between your Body and Spiritual Gate is damaged.
As a result, much of your Soul has broken free from you, and been swept away.
With it have gone your memories, identity, and what else made you who you are.

[Image: hana_rough_nervous_LFR.png] But, like... this is temporary?

With luck and time, your Will and Spiritual Gate may recover. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]
And your Soul will continue to grow, as you live, learn, and experience.

As for lost parts of your Soul, and the identity you've forgotten?
Those have been taken, and claimed by the flow of free Will surrounding us.
That is, the shining Astral Sea you may have seen past the edges of this Shard.

So, no. That, at least, is not temporary. Your past is simply lost to you.

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] ...

As for why this would happen... I cannot begin to know why you came here. [Image: leto_askance_RFL.png]
The Dreaming is a place for Spirits and Memories, not Mortals and their... meat-bodies.
For the living to physically enter a Null Dreamshard... that is a reckless madness!

As we speak, the world around us is slowly being reclaimed by The Dreaming.
Not only will the Astral Sea take your Soul. It will sublimate your body as well!

[Image: hana_rough_mute_nervous_LFR.png] ...

Even avoiding that, further Fray would most certainly lead to your Ego Death. [Image: leto_sigh_RFL.png]
Your body would enter an unending sleep, as your Soul vanished into the Astral Sea.
This would be followed by your body wasting away, and ultimately to your physical death.

Honestly, at such an advanced stage of Soulfray, it's remarkable you are even cognizant.

[Image: hana_rough_mute_miffed_LFR.png] ...

*ehem* [Image: leto_joy_RFL.png]

My point is that at least something of you remains.
For that, you should consider yourself most fortunate!

[Image: hana_rough_mute_sulk_LFR.png] ...

Hana, I am attempting to comfort you. Please respond. [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_sigh_LFR.png] I'm gonna need some time to process this.

But ...we should probably get going already.

Certainly. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]

Nevertheless, I hope your curiosity has been satisfied for now.
Shall we get to the Gate by which you arrived?

Wessolf27 Wrote:>You didn't see any gate, you just found yourself in a mining cave and that's all. Would Leto know any hypothetical ways one might just teleport to somewhere with no recollection whatsoever?
Smurfton Wrote:What's wrong with the pipe Leto came from?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Leto, I don't remember any Gates.
We... we just talked about this.

Ah, of course. [Image: leto_calm_RFL.png]
Your failing memory. How ironic that I forgot.

I fear this will complicate our egress, somewhat. Still, my Contract remains.
We must find any means possible to return you from this Shard. Safely.

Tell me, what is the first thing you recall?

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] I woke up in a chamber near here. A cave entrance.
It was close to the outside, and all the... mindscrewy light.
Nothing Gate-like around. Just rocks, and my stuff.

Either I lost my memory a while after I got here, or I didn't come through a Gate.

No no, the later isn't even a possibility. [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]

You must have used a Leygate to reach this place.

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png] Well... what about the way you came?
Why don't we go through that Pipe, and take the same route back?

You do not understand. This is an impossibility for you. [Image: leto_sigh_RFL.png]

As a Great Spirit, the energies of The Dreaming do not pose a risk to me.
I was able to Cross into this Shard directly through the Astral Sea.
Were you to attempt the same, there would be nothing left of you.

[Image: hana_rough_angry_LFR.png] Then what do we do? Wander aimlessly looking for some kind of Gate?!
While that Astral Shit eats the world, and wrecks my brain some more?!?

Perhaps. We may have to. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]

Though, this Dreamshard appears to be of some sort of old facility.
Someone built this place with a purpose. There may be records around.

Shall we begin our search?

Smurfton Wrote:I think we ought to wait on Clax before leaving

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] Hold up just a sec.

Before we go, we should wait for my friend over here.
They're still busy doing... Magic Robot things.

Magic Robot? Friend? [Image: leto_perplexed_RFL.png]

[Image: friendbot.gif]

Oh. That. [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]

Some Pneumatech Relic, I presume?
And... you consider it a friend, for some reason?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Clax is my friend. Well, sort of?
Still, I'll carry 'em if I have to, but I'm not leaving them behind.

Human... Hana. It is a tool. [Image: leto_calm_RFL.png]
It may be a useful Relic, but waiting for it is a liability.
We should not further delay our egress waiting for it.

Can we not just return, when it's task is finished?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] You said this place was being reclaimed, or sublimated, or whatever.
What if there's a cave in? Or what if the Astral stuff gets in here too?
I'm not gonna let Clax get wrecked or hurt. Period.

This is a mistake! [Image: leto_angry_RFL.png]

Who knows how long this thing may require, to do... whatever it's doing!
Every second is a risk we take, yet we could be waiting for hours, or...

*Beep!* [Image: clax_alert_RFL.png]

A simple electronic beep rings out behind you.
As you turn, you see a field of text rapidly scrolling past Clax's display.

Leto's nose lets out a cat-sized huff.

[Image: hana_rough_devious_LFR.png] ...oooor, they're already done!

... [Image: leto_squint_RFL.png]

Every second you waste with that thing is a mistake.

[Image: smug.png]

Someone's a sourpuss.

Paying Leto no heed, you take a quick peek at Clax's display.
Looks like another long string of unintelligible letters and numbers is scrolling past.
Doesn't make much sense to you.

Are they still busy Artificing? You wonder how it's going...

ARTIFICE TEST: Logic 2 + Composure 2 + Electronics 1 + Artifice Gate 3 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ <VS> Difficulty ★Show

As you look at the display, the stream of numbers and letters comes to a sudden stop.
There appears to be a series of small prompts. Clax must be writing to you again.

(Scroll to View)
| 006260 | c03e856368e0585b257b33f94d3b0e7c | 732074686973206e657720766f696365 |
| 006270 | 8b30ecb963e3c52aac62a371e9e2bb2c | 20737065616b73206f66204f6e653f20 |
| 006280 | 41525449464943452054455354204c6f | 4f6e65206d757374206e6f74206c6f73 |
| 006290 | 6769632032202b20436f6d706f737572 | 6520666f637573206f6e205468652057 |
| 006300 | 652032202b20456c656374726f6e6963 | 6f726b2e2054686520576f726b206973 |
| 006310 | 732031202b2041727469666963652047 | 206e65617220636f6d706c6574652e20 |
| 006320 | 6174652033202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d20 | 4f6e652068617320646f6e6520626574 |
| 006330 | 565320446966666963756c7479202b0a | 746572207468616e2077697468205468 |
| 006340 | 0a3c31303e203c31303e203c31303e20 | 6520466c6f776572277320546f726368 |
| 006350 | 3c373e203c363e203c363e203c323e20 | 2e2054686520576f726b206578636565 |
| 006360 | 3c313e0a0a313020416761696e21202b | 64732074686520636f6d706f6e656e74 |
| 006370 | 3320426f6e7573210a0a3c31303e203c | 732720706f74656e7469616c20616e64 |
| 006380 | 373e203c313e0a0a313020416761696e | 2063616e206265206d6f72652e204275 |
| 006390 | 21202b3120426f6e7573210a0a3c393e | 74206f6e65206d7573742061736b2054 |
| 006400 | 0a0a437269746963616c205375636365 | 686520466c6f7765722077686174206d |
| 006410 | 737321202b2b2b2b2b2d2d2d2d2d2d2d | 6f72652069742073686f756c64206265 |


> Flower Human, The Work proceeds apace. One is very nearly finished.

> By your request, The Work becomes a self-powering Handheld Communicator.

> However, by Fate, The Work exceeds it's potential. One could make it More.

> If you wish, One could make of The Work more than the sum of it's parts.

> Were One to do so, One must also fuse the gifted Foreign Will to The Work.

> To do so would also require more time. Thus, a choice must be made.

> By your leave, One will do so. But One must ask you something else first.

> The limits are unknown. One does not know your wishes, and lacks Creativity.

> Thus, One must ask; in what way would you have The Work become More?

> Flower Human, The Work proceeds apace. One is very nearly finished.[Image: clax_text_RFL.png]

> By your request, The Work becomes a self-powering Handheld Communicator.

> However, by Fate, The Work exceeds it's potential. One could make it More.

> If you wish, One could make of The Work more than the sum of it's parts.

> Were One to do so, One must also fuse the gifted Foreign Will to The Work.

> To do so would also require more time. Thus, a choice must be made.

> By your leave, One will do so. But One must ask you something else first.

> The limits are unknown. One does not know your wishes, and lacks Creativity.

> Thus, One must ask; in what way would you have The Work become More?

You guess that means the Artificing is going well!

Sounds like they're making the Radio and Large Battery into some kind of Walkie Talkie.
But... huh. What does Clax mean by making it "More"? They talking bonus features?

Magical bonus features?

"Unknown limits" leaves some room for dreaming big too... but heck.
Is it worth Clax spending that weird Willpower Mana they got from eating your Duffel Bag?
Leto wouldn't be happy with waiting, either. Maybe you should get moving.

Besides... what more would you even want a Walkie Talkie to do?

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