Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)

Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, slug vixens and pink mangos)

(09-07-2017, 12:41 PM)Justice Watch Wrote: »You're a very talented artist.

*vibrates* thank you :)

(09-05-2017, 11:01 PM)tegerioreo Wrote: »The seeds have a hard waxy coating which requires they pass through the digestive system of a jackotaur before they can germinate. They also have to undergo a hard freeze. (They can't be easy to sprout, otherwise we would be overrun with ents!)

The ent fruit grants a temporary boon of Cosmic Vision (i.e. vivid hallucinations) to whomever eats it.
(09-06-2017, 01:30 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »To eat the fruit of the ent is to be connected with the Ent until death. For the stumpkin, they would become Entkin and understand the Ent they connect with clear as day. In turn, the Ent can choose a successor from the Entkin, to become an Ent in its place after its passing.

They followed the jackotaur deeper into the forest and stop by a massive tree. The truck of the tree is hollowed out with the indentations of teeth marks around the wall of the tunnel entrance.

The jackotaur passed two guards and descended into the tunnel, fruit in hand.

The guards were armed with spears. The tip was made of a green gemstone, attached to a shaft made of a strange material not of wood.

The spear tip caught the stumpkins eye as it shined in the light.

She asked the ent to put her down and slowly moved to the entrance.

Just before getting a yard towards the entrance, the guards reacted with spears out in her direction, making loud clacking noise as a warning.
[Image: iVvzY0E.png]
She tries talking to them “clack clack clack” they chittered and gestured hostilie with their spears.

She tried slowly approach with her hands up and talked to them again. The guards became even more agitated and stepped forward even more threatening and emitted a loud sound “KAARRK! KAARRKK! KAARRRK!”
[Image: gpKGTj2.png]
she backed away and the guards lowered their stance. Keeping their attention on the stumpkin.

Guess they don't want vistors.

She walks back to the ent feeling a bit rejected. The ent picks one of the pink mangos from its head and gives it to her

Smiling she bit into the sweet pink fruit.
After a moment she became a little sleepy, then she saw shapes, like ghosts moving around.
She gasped and froze on the stop with fear.

Then the shapes became more clearer and took more recognizable form. They were stumpkins from her village, in fact she found herself back at the village.

However everything was covered in white and the leaves had fallen from all the ink trees.
No ink berries could be seen in sight. The stumpkins, They were starving to death and some had perished from the cold.
[Image: mvFtaWc.png]
Then she heard something in the distance and looked in the direction of the forest.
The sound of grunting got louder

She woke up in the hand of the ent and spoke to it to return to the village quickly.
Plans had to be made and food to be hoarded. It will be cold soon

(09-06-2017, 01:30 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »The cube will glow brightly, and a sigil meaning "Fire" will appear on the side. When the sigil is finished, it will glow a bright red and radiate heat. This will be the first step towards the final function of the Cube.

[Image: grKKdht.png]

above the slixen palace, A sigil appeared. it burned brightly giving off heat that can be felt all over the island.

The slixens panicked and fled the palace as the heat became noticeable

The sigil burned for a while embedding itself into the cube. The flames then died down and glowed with a radiated warmth

They wondered what it meant and even tried to copy the sigil in their books, but as soon as the sigil was drawn in, the page combusted into flames. Taking the book with it and hours of writing.

Whenever the sigil is drawn or etched onto anything, it burns intensely until the material it was drawn upon, is consumed by the flames.

How it worked confounded the slixen scholars
Just like the unending waters that flow out of the mountains.

The fire sigil however brought new possibilities. Saunas, steam engines, hot air balloons, maybe thermal airships.

To explore and see the world without descending to the barbaric below, is a very exciting prospect for them.

(09-06-2017, 08:07 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »Slixen, do not take well to large amounts of dry heat for long.
Soon after the trouble start, splinter into two factions: One containing pretty much all of their observers and philosophers, as well as the majority of the commoners, support the idea of an emergency evacuation.

The other, containing most of the leadership and virtually all religious elements, support staying put until the problem solves itself.
Slixen society, find yourself on the verge of civil war. All the while as the problem keeps intensifying...

The sigil generated heat around the whole island, which was slightly adverse to the slixens.

Public pools and fountains would be built everywhere.
plumbing became important in keeping everyone supplied with water.

Blacksmiths integrated a pool into their workshops, living rooms submerged in water.

[Image: q7DyvqT.jpg]

The palace would be adorned with fountains around it and a greater one inside where they all gathered.

Only the libraries was free of water.

However some felt it was not safe to live around the cube, the sigils appearance heightened that concern.

A number of like minded slixens conspire to leave the island.

Detractors of the current policy of isolation, who wanted to explore the ground below.

[Image: T0zvkrA.png]

Many airships were built under the guise of exploration, hiding the true nature of the plan.
While supplies and crew were being readied for departure, plans were being made to smuggle people onboard. Along with food, tools and weapons for the settlers
[Image: uOgGof2.png]
They would be the first of their kind to set foot on the world below.

(09-06-2017, 08:07 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »Chick, develop a strange, unpleasant sensation in your stomach. Realize instinctively that it can be alleviated by putting objects into your mouth and swallowing them (It's hunger). Do not, however, be able to tell yet what is edible and what is not.
Also, be relieved to be finally able to walk normally again with the shoes gone. Tear through the stockings fairly quickly, though.

Gentlemenbug, experience mixed emotions. On one hand, you really dislike being cuddled by such a huge (though very aesthetically appealing) monstrosity as the Chick, but on the other, really enjoy the attention and be happy that you've been able to help.

The birdling, snake,ned, two stumpkins and the gentlemen bugs make their way back to the village.

The birdling is still hugging the bugs in her bosom.

[Image: CCeVkgx.png]

“Excuse me my dear” said one of the gentlemen bugs “ I do not mean to be rude but could you release us? Not that we dislike your cuddles, your downing is quite soft ...ehem..but our ladybugs will be very cross with us if they see us like this.”

“Ah dont you worry none, i'll tell them you did me a good turn” she said

“Oh Dear!” he said nervously as they got closer to the village “madem I do insist, it would be better to tell them ourselves and on even level”

She stopped “hmm very well my little dearies” stooped down and let them go.
Tho sad to be released from her embrace, the consequences of a jealous ladybug would be worse.

They finally returned and saw the village, bustling with activity.
Construction of walls was being built made of stone, sticks and mud.
About 4 foot high and 3 foot thick all around the village.

Underground pantries and storages were dug out.
With their growth magic, crops of ink and wine berries were gathered.
Large caches of fruit stored away.
They seem to be preparing for something.
“The wall would not stop the og-rogs if they ever came here” thought Ned

As she watched this, the birdling had an odd sensation in her belly. Not a pleasant sensation at all.
She held her belly and moaned audibly.

“Oh your tummy is troubled, A fruit or two will resolve it on the double” said the snake

“What are you yakking about?”

“Your body requires succour, Let me…”

“Don't you dare succor on me you goofy snake” the birdling interrupted

“I mean no.. oh..fiddle diddle”

The snake whispered to the stumpkins. They nodded and ran off into the village.

A little later they return with arms full of berries. ink and wine berries.

The snake thanked them and offered a berry to the birdling.

“What do you want me to do with that?” said the birdling with a displeased look.

“Let me show you so it's clear” the snake then popped the ink berry in its mouth, bursting the fruits juices with its tongue. Then pointed as it swallowed the fruit.

“Now you try it my dear, this fruit will please you, have no fear”

The birdling reluctantly took the fruit.
Popping it in her mouth, she slowly quashed the fruit with her tongue.
The pleasant burst of sweetness washed over her tongue and without thought, swallowed the berry. Her stomach felt better but not sated.

“Oh my what is this?” she said, taking another berry offered by the stumpkins.

“Its ink berries. juicy and sweet, isn't that neat?” he said while watching her eat enthusiastically.

she wolfed down all the berries that was given to her, even the wine berries.

Alot of wine berries…

[Image: ukSkDE6.png]

“The red berries im not sure, but the effects i can see, is assured” said the snake looking at the birdling as she ate the red berries.

Ned picked up a berry and tried to put it in his non existing mouth, only to splatter it on Ned’s self,
Then it disappeared into the Nedvetory adding 1 splattered ink fruit

(09-06-2017, 08:07 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »Entfruit, have various effects on different races if ingested, but only be able to gestate inside a Jackalotaur.
I imagine that the Entfruit would act somewhat like an egg of a parasitic wasp. It would enter the Jackalotaur's digestive tract where it would hatch into an Ent larva. The larva would then develop and grow for a while in a specialized "intestinal pouch" inside the Jackalotaur's abdomen, before finally growing too big and leaving the body through the excretory orifice.
Birth, be rather difficult, but usually survivable for both the host and parasite.
Jackalotaur affected, develop an emotional obsession to take care of the Ent larva while it pupates, as well as to make sure the pupa gets proper growing conditions. While in this obsession, put the well being of the larva/pupa above all else, including one's own survival.
(Note: There is a kind of parasitic wasp that lays it's eggs in (or on? Can't remember) a caterpillar that contain a specialized virus to short-circuit the caterpillar's brain and stop it from pupating. Once matured, the wasp larvae then burst out of the caterpillar and pupate around it. But the caterpillar remains alive and brain-washed by the virus and spends the remainder of it's life aggressively protecting the cocoon containing wasp pupae from anything that might endanger it. I imagine something similar might happen to the Jackalotaurs.)

In the nest of the jackotuars the chamber of the king and queen
The pink fruit was shared to the other egg attendants.
The tiny seeds embedded themselves on the walls of the stomach, waiting for the cold to come.
[Image: IFmksDH.jpg]

(09-07-2017, 12:41 PM)Justice Watch Wrote: »This world is full of variety, in both life and in character. But we need something that binds them all together, and a judge to bring order to the ever growing chaos.

There is a world beyond dyed in shades of milky pink. Where the world of the living had a beating heart, the world of the dead has a soul, twisting and flowing as an endless river of silk, woven by the threads of consciousness that trap all beings to this plane. The surface is a cloud of white misery, thickened with the joys and sorrows of the world, and penetrable only by the spirits that dive and dart through the threshold of life itself. There is nothing here but the wailing ghosts of the dead and the yet to be born, and their caretakers - the very spirits of the world itself. As its very first inhabitants, they lend portions of themselves to the subjects of their care, content simply to watch what they do with the gift of life... but know the righteous from the wicked, and stand ready to collect their debts.

The boy tends to his balloon, and the girl to her ball. At night, their mother plays sweet lullabyes on her harp as her children dream the lives of billions, resting to play this endless game another day.

[Image: zqfn9cq.jpg]

The blue and pink humanoids sat beside the harp maiden.
The maiden welcomed the company and plucked soothing notes that relaxed them.

In the hands of the pink humanoid was a pink sphere.
The pink sphere was not like the other planet, it swirled with white clouds that left the sphere in motes of white smoke. The smoke seems to travel in the direction of the blue planet, and smoke coming from the blue planet joins with pink planet.

It was not smoke but life force, souls.

[Image: iOpHTND.png]

On the surface of the sphere, spectral caretakers manage the intake of life force, souls to be prepared for the return journey to the living world.

Clean souls are threaded and weaved between their spectral fingers, then sent away back to the soul stream, departing to the blue world.

Chaotic souls however had to be deconstructed, cleansed and re-weaved back again into the life force

No soul was too tainted to be cleansed, no souls so far that couldn't BE cleansed.

“So the pink planet is a laundrette for souls?” said one of the vanar

“What about Heaven and hell?”

“What about punishment and reward for bad and good souls?”

“Why bother? When they die, it matters not what they did. This is more streamlined! Once they go through the caretakers their previous lives are all washed away”

“Washed away to where”

“Where what?”

“Their past memories, where do they go?”

“They just vanish”

“So anything they achieve is forgotten?”

“It only remembered to those who live if they choose to”

“Thats kinda lazy if you ask me, everyone should be documented of their deeds”

“Oh no, the heaven and hells we made were a clerical madness made manifest. Documancey backlog caused the undead apocalypse on one world.”

“Then the heaven and hell wars started, both sides blaming each other for the world's collapse”

“Here all souls are equal as life force and the only thing differencing them from one and the other are the mortal bodies they end up inhabiting. None of that administrative pish posh documancy nonsense”


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