Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest 6.0
(10-10-2017, 02:00 AM)Schazer Wrote: »:woahtermelon:

Passes no rules

(10-10-2017, 02:25 AM)Wheat Wrote: »:dog:

Passes rule 2

(10-10-2017, 02:28 AM)a52 Wrote: »In the mathematical area of knot theory, the unknotting number of a knot is the minimum number of times the knot must be passed through itself (crossing switch) to untie it. If a knot has unknotting number {\displaystyle n} n, then there exists a diagram of the knot which can be changed to unknot by switching {\displaystyle n} n crossings.[1] The unknotting number of a knot is always less than half of its crossing number.[2]

Any composite knot has unknotting number at least two, and therefore every knot with unknotting number one is a prime knot. The following table show the unknotting numbers for the first few knots:

Trefoil knot
unknotting number 1

Figure-eight knot
unknotting number 1

Cinquefoil knot
unknotting number 2

Three-twist knot
unknotting number 1

Stevedore knot
unknotting number 1

6₂ knot
unknotting number 1

6₃ knot
unknotting number 1

7₁ knot
unknotting number 3

In general, it is relatively difficult to determine the unknotting number of a given knot. Known cases include:

The unknotting number of a nontrivial twist knot is always equal to one.
The unknotting number of a {\displaystyle (p,q)} (p,q)-torus knot is equal to {\displaystyle (p-1)(q-1)/2} (p-1)(q-1)/2.
The unknotting numbers of prime knots with nine or fewer crossings have all been determined.[3] (The unknotting number of the 1011 prime knot is unknown.)
Other numerical knot invariants Edit

Crossing number
Bridge number
Linking number
Stick number
See also Edit

Unknotting problem
References Edit

^ Adams, Colin Conrad (2004). The knot book: an elementary introduction to the mathematical theory of knots. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. p. 56. ISBN 0-8218-3678-1.
^ Taniyama, Kouki (2009), "Unknotting numbers of diagrams of a given nontrivial knot are unbounded", Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 18 (8): 1049–1063, MR 2554334, doi:10.1142/S0218216509007361.
^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Unknotting Number". MathWorld.
External links Edit

"Three_Dimensional_Invariants#Unknotting_Number", The Knot Atlas.
Last edited 7 days ago by Hyacinth
Knot theory
study of mathematical knots
List of mathematical knots and links
Wikimedia list article
Crossing number (knot theory)
integer-valued knot invariant; least number of crossings in a knot diagram

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I'm gonna say this post passes rule 1. It was a little tricky to call for reasons but I think it passes. Also rule 2 as well.

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