Guardians of Aurora

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Guardians of Aurora
RE: Guardians of Aurora
[Image: new_mail.png]

SUBJECT: Wake Up!!
SENT: 0 Minutes Ago

Good morning, sleepy!

I hope you're ready for your first assignment. We've got a fresh batch of rookie Guardians, in need of your guidance!

Yes, I know. You're probably a little confused right now. It was like that for me, when I first woke up too! The spirits that are currently entering your Core will probably need some time to get the hang of your new systems, and get used to working together as a unit. That's why we've set up this little orientation program, to help you learn the ropes as you lead your new Team!

Before we go any further, let's start with a little standard-issue background information:

"Welcome to the Guardians Guild. You are a newly-awakened Synthetic Intelligence, and part of the Guild's automated leadership team. Our Team Leaders, and the Guardians under their guidance, perform many tasks throughout the Aurora Leygate Network. Guild agents are active across more than a hundred worlds in our Leynet, where they are hired to perform duties ranging from scientific surveys, disaster relief, biomonster hunting, special deliveries, bodyguarding services, and much more. As a Team Leader, you will be responsible for managing a team of Guardians in the field, by providing real-time guidance and oversight as necessary. Successful operations will earn you and your team Credits for their personal expenses, as well as improve your team's Certifications. Improving your Certifications will open up more challenging and lucrative assignments.

Following receipt of this message, the administration will assign you to a team of new Guardians, for whom you will be responsible. For liability reasons, before your Team can accept any field work, you and your team will first need to earn a Combat Certification of Rank E or higher. To do this, you will lead them in a non-lethal combat assessment. Equipment will be provided for the duration of the exercise, at no charge. Once you've earned your Certification, the enrollment of your team will be formalized, and you will be an official member of the Guardians Guild. Best of luck."

Sorry if that was a little impersonal; it's mandatory reading from HQ. If nothing else, I hope it helps make sense of the situation you find yourself in!

Anyway, with that out of the way, it's time for you to pick your Team. We've currently got 7 unassigned candidates in our system. I've attached their profiles below. Look them over, and decide among your constituent spirits which 3 candidates you think you can lead as a cohesive and effective unit. Once you've made your decisions, reply to me at this account. We'll then put you in contact with your new team, and proceed with outfitting them for their mandatory combat assessment.

Oh, and before I forget... you don't have a designation yet! As a new Synthetic Intelligence, you'll need to decide on one before we can create your account. What would you like to be called?

If you have any questions about yourself, our organization, or anything else, feel free to include them in your reply, or just send me a message any time! I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Hope to hear from you soon!


1) Choose a personal Designation for yourselves. Valid SI Designations will be given in ALL CAPS.
2) Please pick 3 candidates for your team, from the Candidate Roster below.
3) (Optional) Ask any questions you may have for AURORA.


Dexter January (They/She/He/Any)Show
Queen Arelis (They)Show
Slata (She)Show
Teecee (She)Show
Tick Helleby (He)Show
Xzebediah (He)Show
Zorg the Great (It/They)Show

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