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RE: Karies
(09-02-2017, 09:13 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Tachyon

[Image: 5vcwuuF.png]

This delightful creature has been named Tachyon. That's a good and proper name for whatever this creature is. The locals mentioned something about a "Kary" so that might make for a decent specie name.

[Image: G43LNEo.png]

You decide to take care of the creature as one of your own assortment of pets, but one must figure out exactly what this creature eats and it's other assorted needs. It certainly likes to chirp at you, so you can only assume it's imprinted on you like a baby bird and it's parents.

It did not take long to figure out that all these creatures need is an adequate supply of food and space to grow.

(09-02-2017, 11:51 AM)SneakyRobot Wrote: »Name him Rough Rider

(09-02-2017, 04:49 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>This one's a failure (you hate the smell of Pistachio), name it "0001" and find a new egg

[Image: mvrp1Py.png]

It has been two years since this creature has hatched. While tame, this wasn't the greatest of endeavors. Regardless you, Roosevelt, take care of the creature as it would be cruel to turn loose of it on a whim. Tachyon, or the Rough Rider as it seems to be better known by now days (in the public eye) has made further attempts to locate more of these majestic creatures difficult. Particularly because he's got a tendency of fighting and then devouring any other kary or kary-like creature that you've encountered as soon as he grew large enough to do so.

Aside from the smell of Pistachio, this creature seems to be unnaturally strong. It tends to like to smother or strangle it's prey, and can carry weights that are proportionately much larger than it should be able to carry. The oddest thing is that this creature seems to have a habit of fleeting in and out of reality.

You cannot stand the smell of Pistachio.

You set off in your spare time trying to track down more karies so you may have perhaps either a more useful animal, or at least a companion for Tachyon.

[Image: 7R7QFKP.png]

That being said, you've found another egg and have been looking after it with care. It's only been a week since coming by the egg, and there's several noteable differences with this egg and the other (that can be seen; you're only guessing that this is another kary egg and not the egg of a large bird or reptile of sorts).

the scarcity of these creatures is somewhat alarming.

[Image: nWEqSKg.png]

goodness, this incubation period was much shorter than Tachyon's. Perhaps we are in need of another name?

Also what will you do now that you have these two creatures? This will definitely help with remaining the president, having a creature that only you understand, and is also tame and trained to respond to only your commands.

Tutorial Text Wrote:This is a Prokary, another type of Kary. One of the easier tells for what kind of Kary it would be early on is how long it takes one to hatch. Eukaries take longer than Prokaries and often have the longest incubation times.

Tachyon's now a fully grown adult, since the tutorial tends to skip ahead a little bit in the time progression area. We're almost done with the tutorial. As you can see, the prompts have developed into full traits that the Kary will posses once it becomes an adolescent. Once it is an adult it will just grow larger and more powerful.

Also, you now have the CHECK ability. You can Check the status of your Kary and get a couple things of information that is sometimes not immediately stated, like what sort of prompts that they come with or what their temperament is like. Some karies and kary eggs will already come with randomly generated and preset prompts. These delightful stats will be handy to know

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