Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument

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Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
But Tonguewizard was not afraid. He licked the Theremin, as there was little else he could do with it, and he began to play a melody.

The Theremind's hovercraft shifted direction, and began flying towards the moon instead, once again pulling the temple with it.

Tonguewizard continued playing, hoping to land the temple smoothly on the moon. But tragically, he had not yet realized the Theremin's true power. As the temple drew nearer, the moon began to tremble from the melody.

And then it exploded.

Where once there had been a moon, there were now tens of thousands of puzzle pieces. The Theremind shrieked as it became aware of what had happened.

"You fool!" it declared. "You've blown up the moon! Now I must repair the damage you have done!"

And so the Theremind was forced to telekinetically gather the pieces of the moon and reassemble them. For only a being of its intellect could possibly solve a puzzle of this scale and complexity.

Fortunately for Tonguewizard, this left the Theremind distracted. He would be powerless to stop the tongue's daring escape plan.

Just as soon as Tonguewizard came up with it, of course.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument - by Dragon Fogel - 12-25-2012, 04:46 PM