The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
RE: The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Junior Researcher Lauren Elizabeth Cohen's first attempt back at trying to get into her lab was met with a stern warning to either help or keep quiet. When she witnessed the watery creature from before, he had by now taken in all of her specimen. Harvey hadn't come, for one reason or another, so she would have to take measures into her own hands, but seeing all of those fish move together within that snake, and speak as one, shook her in a way that she simply closed the door once again.

When she tried again, it was because of the chanting and whispering that she was hearing from the other side of the door. This attempt earned her a second scolding, this time by a voice that seemed less masculine than the previous. Additionally, the many fish that had been scattered inside of the creature seemed gone, their features present, but their form not. Had she been in the mood she'd find it fascinating, but instead, once again, she could only leave, her heart beating in terror as she wondered why she had been cursed in this manner.

The third time, Junior Researcher Cohen was, in a word, preempted, with a watery tentacle grabbing her and pulling her into the room as she was about to attempt to act once more.

It was dark, was the first thing she noticed. Whatever that thing did to her specimen seemed to have at some point, cut the power in her lab. She wasn't sure what was going on, or what she was looking at, but she was suspended in the air, held up by water that was solid and floating in the air. "Wha... what's going on! You can't do this to me! This is my lab!"

It was a futile plea, she knew, but she simply didn't have another option, she had failed three times to do anything and now she was captured? If any of her superiors saw this, what would they say?

"Worry not, my friend, for I come in peace, in the name of my people."

The voice that came out of the darkness was unmistakably female, but something was off. Junior Researcher Cohen was absolutely sure that the sounds coming out of the creature did not match the words she heard. As the voice continued, this suspicion was confirmed.

"Miss... No, Doctor Cohen, worry not, for the danger that has befallen your station is one that my people are willing to aid you in."

Lauren panicked for a moment, surely things on Darwin hadn't gotten that bad, what was going on??? "Aid? What are you talking about, who are you, who do you work for, what is going on???"

Power had returned, allowing the junior researcher a look at her captor.

Any sign of the watery snake full of fauna that she had seen before was seemingly gone, replaced with scales and flesh where there once was just water. The bottom half of the new creature retained it snakey figure, but from the waist up, she(?) was now much more human like, though with scales running down smoothly along her chest, with six arms instead of two, and all sorts of webbed bits and fins all around. Her face was also decidedly not human-esque, resembling an angler fish. The elephant in the room, that Lauren was attempting not to cognize was the fact that she was, of course, naked, other than a billowing cape with pauldrons.

The creature bowed to her courteously as her voice began to ring inside of Lauren's head, "Ahh, how foolish of me, I did not introduce myself. Apologies. I am Goddess of the Denizens Below, The First Shield and Sword of Her People, Savior of the Coleoid People of Srijun, Mistress V'ia Shi'La. I have come from the prayers of my people, inhabiting the body of this river spirit to aid yours and your own in an effort to promote peace and prosperity among our people. I believe that answers your questions?"

As Junior Researcher Lauren Elizabeth Cohen attempted to process the information that this goddess had given her, outside the room, one Epsilon-Epsilon-Rho, aka Harvery Waters, aka spy, listened intently to the words being broadcast by the goddess, her words causing him to ponder some questions that he simply did not have the answers to. Still, this was definitely news, and news his handlers would want as soon as possible. Rho left a sensor on the door, hidden just enough, in case the "goddess" left any more juicy bits, as he made a beline for a better place to send a signal...


Meanwhile, in Srijun, the Coleoid people finally ceased their unanimous prayer. Cuddled around a giant, shelled, many tentacled argonuat were many many other coleoidea and nautiloidea, each raising their limbs and tentacles in union. The various creatures chatted about, hoping that their actions had succeeded, and wondering about what would happen next.

Then, there was a sudden silence, as the giant shelled leader's voice rang out, her words careful and calming.

"Our goddess has left on her mission, fueled by our prayers and empowered by our resolve. The past years have been hard on our people and the wicked words of those interested in only chaos and conflict have finally fallen. While there are still those dark, hidden sects who still wish to create war, I believe, as we all believe, that our Savoir, our Sword and Shield, shall protect us as she has united us in purpose. Our people must stand for peace if we are to survive. Now, let us prepare for the rescue effort, we will have many in need of our succor."

Once again, the argonaut retreated into her shell, to continue her prayers as her people prepared vessels and other fixtures to help those on the Darwin station. It would not be easy, but their people had fought long enough. She only hoped that the humans would see reason, before their emotions got the better of them.

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Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

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