Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called!
> A Flourmancer? Impossible!

[Image: 88ssvXT.png]

CLOVER: ... You've got freakin' bread powers?!
EFFY: Haha!
CLOVER: Whoa, that's cold, comin' from you.
EFFY: ... What?
CLOVER: I mean, yeah, it's a stupid power, but you laughin' at the woman? That's just...
EFFY: ...
EFFY: Clo, she doesn't have bread powers, she's just... magic!
CLOVER: Yeah, and she's got bread powers! She can turn shit into bread!
EFFY: N... No! She can turn things into other things! Right?
EFFY: Wait...

> Transmutation?! Or is it just an illusion?

[Image: b0nf3GS.png]

EFFY: ... Does it just look like bread?
SELENA: Yup! Well, it should taste like it, too. I'm verrry good at illusions.
SELENA: Wanna try it?

[Image: LDAp7v9.png]

CLOVER: ... You askin' us if we wanna eat a chunk of paper?
SELENA: Well, yeah? You shouldn't even notice it's paper until... I dunno, after you've digested it, probably.

[Image: R1OhhqH.png]

Wait a minute. If she really can turn whatever into whatever, or make it look like that's what happened (you don't actually care about the specifics as long as you don't have to put stuff into your mouth), then this opens up a whole new world of possibilities!

It's not like you're too keen on all this magic nonsense, but this is a special case - those birds are even worse than regular birds, and regular birds are assholes as it is. You should do all you can to use the weird lady's abilities to your advantage, right? It'd be stupid not to.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 08-17-2017, 05:53 PM