Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
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spümpkin Wrote:Question the cat about why they bother meowing when we already know they can talk.

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] So, it's just you in that pipe then, little guy?
That means it really was you doing the talking, earlier.
Not sure whether that, or the Laser Explosion thing, is weirder...

Since you can talk, though, what's with the meows?

Oh, pay it no mind. A simple charade, nothing more. [Image: leto_askance_RFL.png]
I wished to get a sense for who you were, Traveler. What you knew.
And it's far easier to study an unwitting subject, no?

Pity that you failed to open the way, and forced my hand.

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Riiiight...

Perhaps it's for the best. We've little time for games. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]
As you've no doubt discerned, Null Shards are unsafe for your kind.
Thankfully you're still alive, which makes this task much easier.
Besides. I doubt anyone would appreciate the rescue of a corpse.

...wouldn't you say, Traveler?

The One Guy Wrote:> Well, what are you waiting for? Greet the nice cat!

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] I do have a name, and it isn't "Traveler". It's Hana.
And whatever's going on, I don't plan to be a corpse any time soon.

Good. Then we are agreed. We should leave shortly. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]
But first, Hana... perhaps another introduction is in order?

I am called Leto. Patron and Guardian of the Leto Clan, naturally.
I come to aid you, at the behest of our mutual acquaintance.

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png] Acquaintance? You mean the guy from the radio?

Ah, yes. I understand you two conversed, albeit briefly. [Image: leto_miffed_RFL.png]
This "guy" of whom you speak is one Leto Octavo, my Ward and present misfortune.
They informed me of your... current condition, and sent me to investigate.
I am to find and deliver you to them, at Ashwood Cross.

I would appreciate, and indeed expect, your full cooperation.
However, know that I do not strictly require it.

[Image: cat_chat.png]

Wessolf27 Wrote:> Fall in love with cute and dangerously powerful and smart kitty


[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] Look, uh... Leto. I get that you're trying to sound menacing.
Guessing you want to scare me into going along quietly or something.
But it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you look like that.

Oh, really? [Image: leto_askance_RFL.png]

It's a rare thing, to meet one who hasn't learned proper fear of my kind.
One would need a measure of courage to address a Great Spirit as such.
That, or a great deal of foolishness. And no sense of self-preservation.

I wonder which is more likely, in your case...

[Image: hana_rough_sheepish_LFR.png] Don't get me wrong! The Energy Blast and Vague Threats are way menacing.
However, the fact remains that you're also a fuzzy little cat guy.

When I see you sitting down there, talking all big and threatening?
Part of me just wants to walk down there, and pet you on the head. know what I mean?

I... what? No, I do not "know what you mean!" [Image: leto_angry_RFL.png]

I am a Great Spirit. An ancient being of tremendous power.
My claws have cut down armies. My Arcana has shattered mountains!

If you value your life, you will never touch me unbidden.
Never. Do you understand?

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] Easy there, tiger! I didn't mean any harm.
As far as I know, a few tummy rubs here and there never hurt anybody.

Why all the hostility? Is something wrong?

*sigh* [Image: leto_sigh_RFL.png]

Speaking frankly? I would very much rather not be here.
Yet, duty compels me. As Patron of the Leto Clan, I serve it's Elder.
I don't particularly care if you live or die. But for some reason, they do.

And so, they chose to squander my capabilities on this. It's insulting!

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png] Kinda rude there, guy... but no one's asking you to care.
Bummer about the whole "misuse of your talents" thing though.
If nothing else, you still got to blow something up though. Right?
That's got to be worth something to you.

Oh, absolutely. Destroying that Iris was very cathartic. [Image: leto_oh_RFL.png]
Possibly the most fun I've had in weeks.

[Image: hana_rough_sheepish_LFR.png] That all happened pretty fast. And I was busy taking cover at the time?
But in hindsight, yeah. That was pretty dang rad.

Presuming "rad" is a good thing, I'm pleased you think so. [Image: leto_base_RFL.png]
My current Ward so rarely appreciates my Arts for their own sake.
But you seem to understand. Perhaps I've judged you unfairly, Human.

Tuesday Wrote:Immediately ask them to teach you ki attacks

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] Hey, speaking of that Energy Blast thing?
Is that, er... a thing you could show me how to do? Hypothetically?

Hah! You request this so casually. You truly have no idea, do you? [Image: leto_joy_RFL.png]
I must admit, your irreverence is a little bit charming.

What you witnessed was my Arcana. Your kind call me a "Spirit of Power".
My Arcana governs aspects of the physical world, and it's forces.
Were you to seek my Patronage, I may be able to share this ability.
Unfortunately, I am presently bound in service to the Leto Clan.

Perhaps we could strike such a Contract in another lifetime.
Until then, I'm sorry to say that the matter is out of my hands.

[Image: hana_rough_sheepish_LFR.png] Don't worry about it. It's all good!
For the sake of everyone, I probably shouldn't be trusted with that kind of power.

Anyway, you said we should get going, didn't you? Can we start doing that?
We can always talk as we go.

Oh, of course. We shouldn't prolong our stay. [Image: leto_oh_RFL.png]
There's no need to further errode what's left of your mind.

If you like, lead the way to whatever Gate you arrived here by.
From there, we can cross out of this Shard, and return to Ashwood.

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