Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing

Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
There is a Goddess. A goddess of Shadows and meaningful silences. Not a goddess of Things but that which is created by their absence. A Goddess of Chasms and Openings and Darkness. She is revered and worshiped by Thieves and Assassins and all who would rather their work went unnoticed, Inasmuch as one can purposely worship a being who takes praise from those who pay her no attention. Those households to whom she is the principal object of worship are notable only in their lack of shrines and decorations. Beggars sing psalms in her name to ensure they don't fade into the background. This creature of silhouette, This Goddess of void, is inscrutable, unknowable, Indecipherable and, so far as you can tell, Head over heels in love with you.

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