Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Qhen and Free often talked, in Qhen's mind. They had gotten better and better at it- to the point where, to this conversation, the world was moving in slow motion. It was fascinating, watching that creature move ever so closer, massive claws outstretched. . .

It was all part of the training, of course. Qhen and Free needed to be of one mind if they were going to fully explore the extend of their powers. Mind you, this didn't expect the two of them to see eye to eye. Qhen thought being 'of one mind' was more about being able to understand each other without words. Being in agreement did not necessarily mean you shared the same mind. Two creatures can share the same general idea and see it from completely different viewpoints. . .
CRACK. The claw smashed into them- quite heavily. Their exposed skeleton strained and fractured under the force of the blow, as threads of blood wove themselves into the wounds, mending them quickly. . . Which is why Qhen had not bothered wasting any energy on defending themselves. The rest of this would go towards getting some sort of counter attack in, while they were at the perfect range.

. . .Point blank. The perfect range for Qhen is point blank.

. . .Qhen knows what they're about!

Free-Qhen uses Freeform- Hah? Wah-GAH!

Someone grabbed them and HAULED backwards, pulling them down to the ground. Gunfire- That was Alice's gun! It barked loudly- almost as loudly at the wolf-beast did when it roared in response to the explosive shell crushing against it's chest moments before detonating. A pop- the sound of an empty shell hitting the ground, and another shot.

Which means that was not Alice pinning Qhen down against the ground.
POP-POOM! The beast roared again. It was further away.

Qhen flexed their hands and feet. They could still move. . . They had energy left. Not a lot, but some. Probably could just get up and push Viss off- But Qhen was not THAT stupid. Viss would not forgive an insult like that. . .

Oh well. The longer they laid here, the more minute fragments of energy they were slowly regaining.
Qhen rolled out from under Viss, knocking her over, while bringing an arm up to catch her. Alice loaded another shell, a little absent-mindlessly, as she watched Qhen pull Viss closer.

Viss stared at Qhen, who grabbed her bleeding hand, and pulled it up to their face. Okay. Good. This was happening. Alice was watching this and it was happening. She fired again, and checked her pouch. Using just the weak exploding shot. . . She had 4 more left. Okay. Oh wow. That is an interesting use of that power. That probably feels weird. Viss doesn't look unhappy with- Oh DAMN-
Free-Qhen got up and sprinted right at the monster. They channeled some of their energy into their hands- creating sheathes of energy around their claws. . .Hm. It really was pretty. This swirling mixture of rich, red blood and bright, almost luminescent light-blue blood. . . It solidified, and instantly, their arms caught fire.

The beast got up, looking almost no worse for wear, despite the number of explosive shells it had taken to the face and torso. There were some marks that resembled burns, and the air was start to smell like burning. . . Fur? Fur and something rotten, and it's eyes were glowing a furious red. . . Some of the pipes sticking out of it's flesh were cracked, leaking fluid of- various types on the ground. This was actually kinda gross.

The impact was solid, and Free-Qhen grabbed the beast's claws, and essentially just tried to push back against their overwhelming force, the two of them being locked in a violent shoving contest and- Oh.

Qhen actually sorta forgot that this thing had a face with a mouth full of razor sharp metallic teeth. It's head swung down and began to chew on Qhen's right shoulder- the sound of grinding bone and metal was also kind of horrible.

Alice was at a loss for words.

First, Qhen was currently locked in combat with this monster straight out of her nightmares. When it had first come barreling at her, she had frozen- and if not for Qhen and Viss' intervention. . . She put a hand over her chest, and her torso began to ache. . . She heard a dull dump in her ears that almost sounded like a heartbeat, and for a brief second- she could almost taste blood. . .

Second, despite all of what was going on- when Qhen left to get into a fight with that- thing. . . Viss fell to the ground! She was bent over, kneeling, propping herself up with a single claw, the other gripping her dagger, which she had plunged into the weird ground underneath her. She wasn't sure if they were all seeing the same thing- but to Alice, it looked like she was fighting in-
Alice whipped around, and came face to face with- someone she did not recognize. She wanted to scream, but couldn't. The clawed hand at her throat helped repress that urge. Their other hand wrapped around her back, and held her in place. They were a little shorter than her, but were leaning up, staring into her eyes with a truly terrifying visage on their face. It wasn't just that they were smiling. It wasn't just the terrible ill-fitting suit that smelled like someone had died in it. It wasn't even just that they were clearly in a position to kill her.

It was those eyes. They were beautiful, almost alluring. . . but behind them, she saw. She understood that kind of flowery prose now, where someone looked into someone's eyes in a story- and saw something. Some saw love. Some saw fear. Some saw insanity.

Alice saw nothing. It was like she was staring into the voidspace.
. . . Alice would actually really like it if maybe she could get a message out to Viss or Qhen, but they're both- busy. Breaking their concentration could be really bad. Mm. Uh- Don't suppose the ghosts care to weigh in on this decision?

( ) Go with [Suit].
( ) Go for the gun.

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RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-16-2017, 07:34 AM
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen - by NotABear - 08-04-2017, 01:31 PM