The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's

The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's
RE: The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's
Angelica finished class, her processing power having no issue juggling the classwork with the various things weighing on her digital mind. She believed that Des would succeed in the plan that the Mechanoids and Machine dorm had come up with, no matter how it would manifest, but it was difficult for her to fully processes the situation. It was a simple matter for Firro and their companions to transfer the information of their plan to AMP Velosi but it was far more complicated for her to come to terms with it.

”You see, our dorm has… a reputation, that has been difficult to lose.”

Des crossed their arms, staring at the android with some skeptism, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I imagine that you are familiar with how popular media usually portrays A.I., for one?”

“As purely benevolent beings created to aid and assist with any number of tasks, ranging from military to every day. Artificial Intelligences such as those used in PH Mechs like my own are to be respected and trusted like any other peaceful living being, what of it?”

“Uh, no, most people think A.I.’s go rampant and crazy dude.”

“That is unfortunate. However, using that as a point of reference, I can see why machines would not be trusted. ”

“Not to mention, there’s also the matter of the notion that we must abide by our programming, whatever that may be. Most of the other rebellious factions in the school simply do not trust us, citing fears of us getting reprogrammed but being able to act the same.”

“That doesn’t make sense, everyone has their “programming”, rules they abide by, and anyone can be bought as easily as a machine can be reprogrammed.

“Yes, but we’re dealing with teenagers here.”

Before Des could continue their series of objections, Angelica interjected, “So, I’ve now reviewed the plan, why exactly do we need to come into contact with a more... biological student?”

“The process of calling for an emergency inspection is something we can and have been trying to do, but we run into a CAPTCHA before it can be fully executed. We need a student of the school capable of getting past it if we wish to call the inspection. As none of the students trust us enough to listen to us, we can only hope that one of the contestants in your battle can or that somehow, you can find or ally with someone who will trust us.“

She was impressed with how quickly Firro had incorporated her and Des into their plan and was forced to admit that it was unlikely an opportunity as golden as this one would happen again. There wasn’t that much time, she had something that she had to do now. AMP Velosi locked on to the location of the contestant nearest to her and hoped whoever it was would be one amicable to the Machine Dorm’s plan…


Wren looked quizzically at the bag holding the VHS tape. “I guess you don’t or can’t exactly talk? But I really don’t get where I’m supposed to be going… You said I’d know or you’d lead me but I kinda think that you’re doing a shit job of it so far.” The demon hunter was wondering how Cassandra and the Ring’s goons were doing when she was suddenly pulled away.

“Oh, I think I kind of know this one.”

“Yeah, wow. Me too though?”

Wren looked at the odd featureless room, filled with exactly one teen, wearing a sleek outfit that definitely didn’t follow the dress code. They were the first person they’d seen in awhile who was out of uniform, even the Ring was wearing one after all.


“You can talk now?”


Wren took a good look at the person she assumed grabbed her, they seemed to be talking to someone, but Wren didn’t see anyone. “So uh, who are you, exactly?”

“Oh right, you probably don’t recognize me. I’m Des La Ryuuje, it’s a lot to explain, but first of all let me touch you for a second.”

Wren thought about stopping Des from just, going and touching her, but shit was confusing enough. On the shortlist of things she expected to happen, F Sharpe appearing in front of her wasn’t high, but it wasn’t surprising either.

“Oh. Another ghost.”

The VHS tape was vibrating with excitement, “NO! NOT JUST ANOTHER GHOST, SHE. IS. THE. GHOST!!! THE OG MOTHERFUCKER!!!”

“Wow Sharpe, it looks like you have a fan.”

F Sharpe and Des quickly explained their plans to Wren, and the Ring and Wren responded in turn, neither living member of the party really seeing the need in hiding anything, especially as their spectral companions seemed to have a rapport.


“What’s so special about ghostie number two here? She seems a lot more...normal than you, uh, no offense.”

F Sharpe sighed, “Look, it’s not that big of a deal…”


Noticing the slight discomfort in Sharpe’s tone, Des made an attempt to interject, “Do we really have time for this? I mean-”


“Shut up.” A wave flowed through the room and The Ring shut up as did everyone else. For this moment, F Sharpe’s tone took a turn, the smug playfulness replaced by a frank seriousness, “Look babe, I know what you think of me, it isn’t like you’re wrong about me, but… I’m just the one that survived. We all worked hard to make… that happen, but like, remember, I... we didn’t finish the job.”

The group remained silent for a while, each mulling on the ghosts’ words.

F Sharpe turned away and apparated another exit from the room, “But that changes now.” Her voice changed back to its usual state, “Let’s get down to business, the four of us have a contraband locker to blow wide open!”


Des and Wren, much less excitable, simply nodded and followed Sharpe’s lead into the backdoors and siderooms of the school towards the unknown.


As the bell rang once more, Gurska was now, finally, completely acquainted with every single rule and regulation that pertained to Mademoiselle Primfel's Academie For Young and Emaciated Girls. In addition to her previous anger at the organisers of the battle she was in, now she was also disappointed with the rampant violations of code that the school was under. While she her initial and current instinct was still towards going to detention, she was weighing the options of using the number in the back of the guidebook to report these infractions.

It was as she was weighing her options on the matter that she noticed the robot running towards her. Fortunately, it was not a repeat of last time, with AMP Velosi stopping in front of her.

“Greetings, Gurska Karr.”

“Greetings, I believe I'm speaking with… Des La Ryuje?”

“Negative, I am AMP Velosi’s Artificial Intelligence, Angelica. I have come to discuss a plan that will destabilize the area enough to hopefully allow us the freedom to escape our predicament.”

“I will admit that I am interested in such a plan, please elaborate.”

Angelica explained Firro’s plan to Gurska, going into detail on where Des was, why the machine dorm needed her to act for them, and the various smaller details here and here. The minotaur listened intently to the A.I.’s words, impressed by the depth of the plan and how quickly it was adapted to fit the current situation, but less impressed at the large risks involved.

“I see. Well, my largest concern is that of your pilot, Des La Ryuje, if they were to fail in their mission none of us here are exactly capable of the scale of misconduct necessary to defy or discredit the headmistress. I myself have noticed many violations of the school board, but your friends seem to think that they would not be enough to do her harm. If Des were to not deliver with the madame’s mysterious mistake, it would be my head on the chopping block here.”

Gurska observed the mecha, taking note of how Angelica did not seem to take insult to her implicatory accusations despite previously clearly feeling concern for their pilot. Interesting… I wonder how advanced this A.I. is...

“Des La Ryuje’s mission record is, as any graduate of the PH Mech Program, exceptional. They have over a hundred successful sorties and this is not the first time we have been separated.” Angelica neglected to mention that she had been able to keep in contact with Des when they were previously separated, Gurska didn’t need to know that. “I do not predict or think they will succeed, I know it.”

“You have conviction, I will give you that. Now, as for your plan…”

AMP Velosi put up a hand and turned away from Gurska, “Wait a moment, my sensors indicate that more contestants are near.” Angelica noticed Alex and Völsung walking and talking as familiar sensor activated, pinging directly onto Völsung.

Gurska took a rare step backwards as AMP Velosi’s posture changed in response to seeing the horned elf. Similarly, across the hall, Alex realized that her words were going in one ear and out the other, Völsung now speaking with her spirit, both of them looking at AMP Velosi with ill intent.



A tension filled the air as the two locked what passed for eyes, perceiving the other as a mortal enemy.
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Opulent Quarrel - Round One: Mademoiselle Primfel's - by Solaris - 08-02-2017, 09:15 PM