Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl threw his hand into the center of the table. Ken and Vizz looked confused while the others groaned.
Vizz and Ken looked at each other, then back to Earl. Katie pushed her wings back with her shoulders and grabbed all the cards on the table. She shuffled them up, and dealt everybody back up to five. Katie stared at her hand, and thought for a little bit.
Katie threw in more coins. Jude put her cards face down on the table. Ken threw a small handful of coins into the pile. Vizz threw in an even bigger pile. Seb threw in a slightly bigger pile of coins. . .

Earl put his hands on top of his pile of coins, and shuffled them forward into the center of the table. Katie hissed angrily, and clicked her beak.
Earl began to stack all the coins up based on type. Katie clicked her beak angrily again, and flipped her cards over.

Ace, Two, Three, Queen, Jack - All Clubs, Flush

Katie looked particularly pleased with herself. Ken made a face. Maybe they had a better hand? Jude sighed happily, however. She folded, so she didn't have to show her cards, but was clearly very sure she made the right decision. Very safe, that one. Vizz let out a small hissing whistle under her breath which was successful in getting Katie's attention like she wanted.

Six Spade, Six Diamond, Seven Club, Seven Diamond, Seven Heart - Full House.

Katie narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, and looked at Vizz. Katie didn't like to lose. Especially when she suspected that someone just 'out-cheated' her. Viss flicked her tongue in an adorable manner and leaned back in their chair. Sebastian sighed. He regretted his decision, and his cards showed why.

Two, Eight, Nine, Ten, King - All Diamonds, Flush.

Seb then turned to look at Earl. Earl was now making two piles of coins. He was stacking them perfectly. Slowly. Agonizingly. Someone probably said something, but he was busy. He had to do this. It was important. So Seb reached over and grabbed his cards and spat a truly vile curse in a language that only he and Earl knew. It's part of why Earl liked Seb. It wasn't HIS language by any stretch, but he learned it. Seb liked to learn things.

Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace - Royal Hearts Flush.

Katie let out a strangled, furious squawk and the feathers around her neck puffed up and she gritted her beak. Jude patted Katie on the shoulder.
Two Heart, Three Spade, Four Club, Five Club, Six Heart.
Earl shoved a small pile of coins in front of Vizz. About a quarter of the pile. Another quarter of the pile, he split up into two smaller stacks, which he gave to Katie and Seb. Then Earl gave Jude one of the larger coins.
Earl reached into his pocket, pulled out a pouch, reached under his hat, and retrieved a slip of paper. He began rolling some strange blue leaves into the paper as Ken began dealing the cards. He rolled it up and stuffed it into his cigarette holder. Jude helpfully extended her right arm, a little flame popping out of her thumb.
Ken was dealing out cards- but Jude stopped him, because he was counting out five and giving them to each person. Katie clicked her beak in amusement at that, as Ken started over again, after re-shuffling, and dealing one to each person, starting with Vizz, and going clockwise again.
The chatter kept on going. Earl tuned it out into a dull fuzzy hum. The world around him began to fray at the edges, and bits of color came into his sight again. He missed the colors. It was such a bother, seeing the world in literal black and white. Well, not entirely. The tiny numbers on the back of his right hand, slowly ticking down, were red. That's why he liked having the colors around. It drowned out the ticking.

So Earl decided to just tune out everything for now. He wanted to think, without that damn doomsday clock ticking away in his heart. He tossed in coins. Played cards. Whatever they were talking about out there was probably super interesting, and incredibly stupid. Not that he thought THEY were stupid- but sometimes people could just- talk about the most inane crap. Nobody seemed to actually want to talk about the very obvious interesting bits about say- how Viss attempted to kill Alice? And the weird jealous hoarding of Alice and Qhen to herself? And Qhen either doesn't get it, or has a heart of stone.

Earl thought about Alice. He'd want to talk to Eli after the place closed. That guy didn't know any more or less than anybody else about Muses- if you could put information into mass, anyways. I guess if you wrote it all down, Eli might know a little more. But his knowledge was also completely different. They all brought different snippets of knowledge to this table, and right now, he had questions he wanted answers to.

What was up with Viss and Qhen? Were their muses vastly different from their own? Probably. Katie, Judith, Sebastian and himself all manifested in vastly different ways.

Also this Alice girl. Who was she? What was her muse? And why was it so hard to meet her gaze? Earl's muse did not like her. Earl's muse was afraid. Which was interesting. Earl's Fatalism was usually just, you know. Depressing. That's the other reason for the drugs. And the Alcohol. And the Escapism. It's really hard to be surprised by anything, when you know the date of-

Earl suddenly kicked away from the table, knocking over his chair, scattering coins and cards across the surface- luckily nobody had a drink with them right now. That got people's attention. He still couldn't hear them though. They were just buzzing in his ears. Blurs of color and sensation, screaming at him incoherently through the darkness. He stared at the back of his right hand. He shouted something at them that made them stop. He got up. Okay. No- Need answers. Earl will trade information, but Earl needs answers.

He stumbled out of the room, and into the next room, throwing the door open. He reached over, grasping blindly a few times before realizing that his depth perception was all messed up. He began shaking Alice, who woke up confused, and a little terrified at this person shouting at her incoherently-

(X) ฬђ๏ คгє ץ๏ย
(X) ฬђคՇ ђคשє ץ๏ย ๔๏ภє
(X) ђ๏ฬ ๔๏ ץ๏ย รՇ๏ק เՇ

Suddenly, Earl was asleep. Unconscious. Knocked out cold. The back of his head stung. That was probably Judith's doing then. He must have been freaking out something bad- she barely pulled her punch.

Right. Answers. YOU LOT!
Suddenly, Earl was aware of how alone he was. In a dream-like state, his brain was scrubbed. He was uniquely, and for the first time in decades, lucid and clean. The empty white void stretched on in all directions. There was a table. Chairs. A number of them. But only one was pulled out. In it sat a roughly humanoid-shaped cloud of ice-cold fog, wearing a grey cloak.

( Please. Have a seat. )

( ) Have a seat.
( ) Have a seat?
( ) Have a seat!
( ) Don't. . .have a seat?

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RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-15-2017, 08:13 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-15-2017, 10:51 PM
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RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-16-2017, 04:17 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-16-2017, 07:34 AM
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen - by NotABear - 07-28-2017, 10:07 AM