Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
The waiter came up to the table, a faceless, featureless blob of color in a nice shirt, vest and slacks. They sat down drinks in front of everyone.

A plain ol vanilla milkshake, in lieu of anything specific.
A glass of strawberry soda.
A bottle of barbecue sauce, shaken at the table for the drinker's verification, and a plate of grapefruit wedges.
A blueberry daiquiri.
A. . . screwdriver, served in a high heel shoe that is so pink that the color being described cannot be displayed on your screen. This one actually really confused the barman. They were not sure where you wanted the drink, so it's in a highball glass, is then gently and carefully wedged into the shoe. Whatever you do from here is on you. Oh and some crushed cucumber in a much smaller glass, which is wedged in the shoe with the other glass.
I had to look up what a bellini is. This sounds pretty dang tasty.

Empty already had a glass of coffee, which they stirred with a tiny spoon, being held my one of the ghostly arms that comes off of it's back from time to time. They also followed through with what they said they would do last time, and brought you each a robe. They're all grey, but they have your names sewn into them so if you wear them properly, your name is just below your shoulder. Like a nice little name tag. Isn't that- swell.

The cafe was pretty nice. It would probably feel like a real setting from the story, if it wasn't for the fact that all the people milling around were featureless blobs of colors in clothes. Except for the barman, who was clearly so short that in order to look over the bar, he was up on a stool. Cross-legged.

Honestly, he could barely reach any of the bottles and things- not that he needed to. He seemed to be mildly psychic- and by mildly, I mean that he appears to be constantly angry, and is poltergeist-ing things around himself at all times. Glass. Ice. Drink. Serve. Shaker. Ice. Liquid, Liquid, Liquid. Shake. Strain. Serve. It was pretty fascinating to watch really.

Also he had a fantastic hat. It was a large, wide brimmed hat. . . A galero? Yeah. A grey galero, with two long tassels that hung down the sides of the hat and over his shoulders. At the end of each tassel was a tiny bottle.

Empty tapped their coffee cup with their spoon, to bring everyone's attention back towards the table. In the background, there was a formless band playing music. Still jazz, although the content had changed slightly. It might sound familiar.

( I hope you all appreciate the ambience. It took some time to set this all up. I had to borrow another voidspace to build all this, even. Welcome to tonight's Q and A event. I am your host, Empty. Let's get started, shall we? )

wiltingMyosotis Wrote:"Did you let Envy live? I might have misinterpreted what I saw, but.."
( I did not not kill Envy, if that is what you are asking. That is not for me to decide. I am concerned only with Alice's well being. To be more direct, they continue to exist, as they are a part of Viss, and one does not shed something like a muse so easily. )

Lordlyhour Wrote:"How much do you ship VissxAlicexQhen? One being 'I am an idiot with no taste in good romance' Ten Being 'The One True OT3'"
( . . . I could never place a value on Alice's happiness. Whatever she chooses to do with her life is her decision and hers alone. I support any and all decisions she makes. That is my job, as her muse. )

Zephyr Nepres Wrote:"So I assume you know more of your combined void powers than Alice does, correct? Please explain what you can."
( That is a fairly. . . broad question. Also one that is hard to answer. I know more than Alice does, but she knows more than I do, as well. Our combined void powers are just that. Combined. They do not properly function unless we are properly aligned, two sides of the same edge-less coin. Can you be a bit more specific, please? )

Zephyr Nepres, seconded by Tuesday Wrote:"What was Alice talking about, with the illusory powers she had as a child? I assume it caused some confusion."
( Oh, yes. It hasn't really been brought up at all, except at the beginning of her adventure, but Alice does have mild magical ability, naturally. I merely gave her a facet of my powers- like the lens of an eyepiece- that allowed her to view the world how she wanted to see it, and thus make her imagination manifest itself. Who knows if she even retains that power now. Perhaps not, now that she is aware of me. )

A-cha Wrote:"How long HAVE you been watching her? "
( That- is a difficult question to answer. Not only do I, once again, view time differently than the rest of you, but I also cannot honestly be sure. I am aware of things I did before Alice was aware of me- but. . . Only the details that directly pertain to interacting with her. Have I always been there? Did I only exist when she could see me? I apologize, but I do not have an answer for this. )

wiltingMyosotis, A-cha and typeandkey Wrote:"WHAT WAS UP WITH THE MIND ERASER THING?"
. . . Empty had lifted their coffee cup up. They paused, and then brought it up to their hood. There was a quiet, gentle sip, to test the temperature, and then they began to drink. They put the half empty cup back down, and began to stir it again.
( If you really want to hear the answer to that particular little riddle, I can tell you. I do not think you will find the answer satisfying, but I have one. )

a52 Wrote:"What was the deal with Empty turning into the red dude (who was supposed to be dead) and then possessing Qhen but somehow not possessing them forever? I thought that if it came back, it would have taken control completely, and then killed Alice."
( Ah- That is- an interesting interpretation of events. And- Not at all incorrect. As I mentioned earlier, a muse is not so easy to kill. But in this case, due to Qhen's unique mentality, and also a desire not to summon Free on their own again, I had to- lead them to the correct answer. What you saw was not me turning into Free, but me invoking Free in Qhen's mind, during which time I vanished, as I was no longer needed. Also, if ANTI-HEROES had come back, it probably would have tried to kill Alice, yes. It was very lucky then, that Qhen identified their desires, rather than their darkness. )

typeandkey Wrote:"Say Empty, have we been helpful? Us voices, I mean? Always a bit of a wildcard trusting wayward voices from the ether. I approve of wildcards in all forms, naturally, but do you?"
( Well, Alice is still alive, she has not succumbed to her darkness once, and she has managed to save two others from their own darkness, in a manner of speaking. It is not in me to make an assessment of you. If Alice continues to listen to your words, then you must be doing a good job. It does not matter what your motivation is, as long as Alice approves, I see no reason to do anything about it. )

Tuesday Wrote:"(. . .) I need to know Alice's blood type."
( . . . Alice is blood type AB. Do you also want to know her height, weight, and three sizes as well? I swear, some people. )

Empty placed their empty cup back down on their platter. A waiter came over and snatched it up, and took it over to the bar, where that angry little barman was levitating a coffee making apparatus at present.

( Thank you for your questions. I am aware that we still have some more time before it is time for Alice to awaken. Do you have any more or new questions? Also, I have a couple questions of my own. )

( What do you think Alice should do from here on out? Should she follow her own dreams? What if her dreams are to just stay on the island and live peacefully? We all know that is not going to happen, but do her best to live peacefully. Do you think she should pursue a goal? Explore? Go out into the CloudSea? )

( Additionally, take a look around you. Tell me, do any of these people stand out in particular to you? If they do, please, feel free to describe them. One a piece, please, so pick your favorite. )

Meanwhile, Alice tossed and turned. Her mind was a tumultuous mess, swimming with emotions, thoughts, likes, hates, wants, needs, desires. . . All sorts of things she's never really felt before. Her dreams and nightmares were inseparable. Also, completely incomprehensible.

Was this what her life was going to be like now? Hanging out with those two, getting confused at how they acted, then sleeping restlessly while overthinking every little thing she said and did while around them?

. . . Alice was starting to come back around on this whole friendship thing. Was it too late to go back to being standoffish and distrusting?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-12-2017, 11:08 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Dragon Fogel - 06-12-2017, 11:51 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Zephyr Nepres - 06-13-2017, 01:18 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-13-2017, 01:28 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by Schazer - 06-13-2017, 01:43 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-13-2017, 03:27 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-13-2017, 07:06 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-13-2017, 06:45 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-13-2017, 10:48 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-14-2017, 12:02 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-14-2017, 01:02 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-14-2017, 09:34 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-14-2017, 09:52 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-14-2017, 10:02 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-14-2017, 12:01 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Myeth - 06-14-2017, 02:09 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-15-2017, 11:45 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-15-2017, 01:29 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Myeth - 06-15-2017, 06:10 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-15-2017, 08:13 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-15-2017, 10:51 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-15-2017, 11:13 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-16-2017, 12:19 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by Dragon Fogel - 06-16-2017, 04:16 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-16-2017, 04:17 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-16-2017, 07:34 AM
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen - by NotABear - 07-20-2017, 06:30 AM