Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
A cool breeze drifted across Alice's cheek. She slowly opened her eyes, and found herself in a grassy field. Sitting up, she looked around, and saw that the grass stretched out in all directions. A dream then. Oh well. At least she wasn't alone. Qhen and Viss were nearby. In fact, the way she was laying down, the three of them had been making a triangle with their bodies.

She got up as quietly as she could, when she heard a sound.

Viss let out another small sound. It was like she was crying. Alice leaned down and pat her on the top of the head, and she stopped. Alice looked at Qhen, and patted them as well, and Qhen looked a little more relaxed. She would let them sleep. Hopefully they were having dreams within their dreams, and thus would not have to wake up here.

That way, by the time they next woke up, she would be long gone.
Alice walked a distance away. In her mind, she was forming the land, and found the spot she wanted.

She had created a cliff. She walked out to the furthest point, and looked down into the void of clouds. She sat. Empty floated up behind her, and went no further.
Alice slowly stood up. She looked down into the endless void. Then she looked to Empty. They extended a limb to Alice. She took it's hand- and her hands began to glow.
She walked slowly. She thought about what she was doing. She actually thought pretty hard on it- and every time, she came to the same conclusion.

She was too dangerous. Qhen and Viss- In standard on on one combat, they could both easily beat her. After getting a good look at their bone structure, she's not even sure if she would do any serious damage with anything less than an anti-armor shell- and she would never use something like that on Qhen. Even if they were trying to kill her. . . . Why did she think that?

Viss could, and possibly might just kill her one day. Alice thought on that. The thought didn't even worry her for a moment. Hm. A normal person would probably talk about that. She decided to just forget it instead. No, worse than that- If it was Viss. . . Would she mind dying? . . . Where- what are these thoughts?

But if she allowed these feelings to take her over- these dark feelings that Empty can't even take away from her. . . What she saw while she was Empty Alice. . . She could kill them. She would kill them. She would kill them, to spare them the suffering of living. Then what? She would probably kill the crew of the Brasstack too. Then what?

. . .Alice looked at her hands again. She looked down at her feet, at Qhen and Viss. The colder breeze had caused Viss to roll closer to Qhen, and snuggle up against them. Qhen had put an arm over them. What then?

What if- What if she had to die? No- that's not the answer. That probably would just be giving in to the darkness. She probably wouldn't even get her gun drawn before the mere intent to carry that out caused her to change.

So what was left? Her hands. She could place them on Qhen and Viss, and command them to forget. Or...

. . .A person is a collection of memories. Their name is something that they learn from others. If a person spent no time around other people, what would they even know? Her hands. The power Empty gave her. Empty could already understand her intentions. They wouldn't stop her. That's not what they do. That's what makes Empty so insidious.

Empty just watched Alice. Alice looked at Empty. She brought her hands up, just a little bit. Empty didn't respond. She brought them up to her cheeks. Nothing. Her hands fell onto the top of her head. Empty just stared. Yes. This is why Empty, and by association, why SHE was dangerous.

Empty believed in allowing Alice to choose whatever she wanted in life.

Even if that choice was something akin to death. She took in a deep breath.
Empty- Did they twitch just now? Alice searched their face- their hood, for anything. Some sort of abnormality that would indicate that what Alice said was incorrect. But she saw nothing. Just the same Empty.
. . .

Qhen and Viss were holding onto Alice's hands tightly. They looked into her eyes. They were searching. For recognition. For anything. Anything that would indicate that they had somehow stopped her in time. She stared at them blankly. Viss' jaw slackened a little, and she made a small, high pitched hissing whine.

. . .
Alice began to laugh to herself. Qhen and Viss looked at her, and each other, and started to laugh as well.
Alice placed her hands on their foreheads.
They stared blankly at Alice. Viss raised a ridge over an eye.
Damnit. Damnit- Damnit- Damnit- Damnit DAMNIT-
Alice laid in bed, wide awake. Qhen was on one side of her, holding tightly onto her arm. Viss was doing the same, on the other side. Qhen's breath was actually pretty alright right now. It smelled minty. Viss on the other hand- Viss apparently whipped her tail around when she was sleeping. Also she flicked her tongue a lot. At least she didn't grind her teeth or something annoying like that.

But still- . . . Alice thought about what she had done to these two that had trusted her- seemingly unconditionally. How does that happen? WHY does that happen? How could they even do that?! She- She wasn't sure what she expected. Maybe she actually expected Empty to have been testing her. That it would all just be fake.

But it wasn't. She did what she did- and now she had to live with it.

Except- . . . She could already feel the tears, and she couldn't stop them, not with her arms pinned. So she cried. She could not remember the last time she cried so hard- But she couldn't stop- Until Qhen leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
Qhen quickly sat up and turned away, coughing to themselves.
Right. Alice just pulled her blanket over her head, and began to cry again. Damnit. Why didn't she just- Why didn't she just wipe her own memories? She curled up into a ball. Why didn't she just wipe their memories? Why did she tell them-
Viss' face pressed tightly to Alice's- and- oh my god- was that her tongue?! HOLD ON- Hold on HOLD- WAIT- WAIT-
Qhen tipped a hand under Alice's chin, and kissed her on the lips. Just for a moment, before they were at the door. Viss was already climbing out of bed, her dagger in hand.
. . . Everything was a mess. Her room was a mess. Her bed was a mess. She could hear a mess taking place downstairs- then out the door, then on her front lawn, then down into town. Her hair was a mess. Her clothes were- not a mess. SPEAKING OF- Who keeps changing her into her Pajamas?! If the answer is anything but "Empty" or "Herself, sleep walking", Alice was going to have some words for those two and-

And her heart was a mess. What just happened? She tried to go over it all in her head. It was hard to concentrate.

. . . She just had her first real kiss. That was always an important moment in her romance novels. It was always something that they would never forget. She was- Pretty sure she wouldn't forget either. Mainly because-

. . . Viss' tongue really is kinda spicy. Not in a bad way though. Sigh.

No- you know what? She's going back to bed. She will deal with this all when she's had time to sort out her thoughts and- her mind- and- her heart and-

. . . That means get out, Universe. Go bug Qhen and Viss or something.

Good night, Everyone.

= = = Chapter 1 End = = =

I think, it is time that we took a tiny break. Just a tiny one. Long enough for Alice to rest. Long enough for you to get over that emotional train wreck of a post.


For now, you can interrogate Empty some more. How does that sound? Ask them more questions, now that you have more information, and after a round of that, I'll bring you back into the world of CloudSea. Empty?

Empty Wrote:" Would you all care to join me for a drink? "

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RE: Cloudsea - by typeandkey - 06-15-2017, 08:13 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-15-2017, 10:51 PM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-15-2017, 11:13 PM
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RE: Cloudsea - by Tuesbirdy - 06-16-2017, 04:17 AM
RE: Cloudsea - by NotABear - 06-16-2017, 07:34 AM
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen - by NotABear - 07-19-2017, 02:13 PM