Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
They shook their fists up and down.


Viss' eyes focused just a little bit-at the end of two. Alice was already forming paper. She would just throw rock and-


Viss stared. Both of them threw rock. Was she so tired that her eyes were not working well?

Okay, she was definitely throwing paper this time! RrRRrrrRrrrr---

Viss stared into Alice's eyes. There it was. The coldness. The disappointment. Alice stood there and held her fist out. Rock. She somehow threw rock again. Viss wondered what strange magic Alice had learned from Empty that allowed her to do this.
For a brief moment, Viss felt something inside her falter. She could just- open her mouth, and take the tie. She could just walk away. Apologize to Qhen. Tell Qhen the truth. Tell Qhen who killed the Captain. Tell Qhen who did it- Tell Qhen-

Tell them that you were so terrified of losing them that you killed just to keep them forever. You killed so many times- at first, just to make sure that Qhen would never have to fight in the Pits. You became infamous. If you wanted to taste the bite of the Death Drake, you need only set your sights on that aberration that she followed. Then they got out. She didn't need to fight anymore. They just did their job on the airship.

But the Captain just had to like Qhen and Viss. They reminded him of when he was young. Said that Qhen had the eyes of an explorer and the heart of a wanderer, Viss had the eyes of a beast, but the heart of a warrior. She wondered what he saw that night. Was it warrior, or beast. . .?

Viss' eyes began to burn. Feelings began to rise up in her chest again. Her eyes squeezed shut and she brought her arm back. . .
Her fist sailed straight for Alice's face- Rock. A punch. Her fist. Her feelings. She did not hate Alice because she did anything wrong. She hated Alice because Alice didn't hate her back.


Viss opened her eyes.

Blood. . . . Blood?

Alice's hand was bleeding. She met Viss' punch dead on with her own fist, with such intensity that her knuckles had split open. Viss could smell her blood. Just like Alice's personality, it was sickeningly sweet smelling.
Alice's thumb began to slowly descend- Oh. Like the fuse on a-
Alice brought her thumb down, and pulled her fist back. Viss dropped her arm. She closed her eyes. Just do it. End this farce. Break her illusion of power, of control. Ruin everything because you're just TOO GOOD TO LET THINGS BE-

Viss felt the breeze pass by the side of her head. The next thing she knew-

She was being kissed.

. . .

That moment lasted for an uncomfortable, infinite second- before Alice put Viss back down.
Viss jumped at Alice. Alice swung again, and this time, it connected. The two of them began to strike each other. Alice couldn't tell if Viss was crying with anger, sadness, or laughter.

Meanwhile, Empty and ENVIOUS faced each other.
ENVIOUS's hood tilted down. It's flames were little more than a cloud of smoke now. It's heart had calmed. It's tattered appearance even resembled flames now, twisted and random holes, frayed edges. . . It reminded itself of Viss. They glanced back to Empty.
ENVIOUS extended an arm of smoke, with veins of fire running through it, like burning coals made out of clouds. . . Empty stared at the extended hand, then reached out with a limb of fog-

ENVIOUS suddenly was all alone. They were alone, in an endless expanse of stars- No- They were just looking at-

Empty let go. ENVIOUS retracted it's arm quickly, and warmed itself on it's own flames.
Alice and Viss lay on the floor, panting, and crying, and laughing, and coughing. They were truly out of energy now, they had expended everything they had in that last fight, and it was little more than a brawl.

Viss was impressed. Alice could certainly hold her own. She was trained. So why did she live here, by herself? She could have left at any time. She could have explored the world. Was it because- this was her world? This little, insignificant island? The Imperial Sphere was massive these days. She may not even know how big it truly is anymore. Her island probably housed a thousand people. A small farm. A forest with wild animals. Some caves. . . and like the speck of sand, it was nothing.

Alice watched Viss. Viss had gone silent, and was thinking. Alice looked away. She wondered, if Viss told Qhen the truth, would they still be friends? Would Qhen leave? If Qhen left, would Viss leave too? All that fighting, all that struggling to try and learn who these two were, and she realized there was a non-zero chance that she might never see them again.

Viss got up, and walked for the exit- stumbled for the exit. When she opened the door, Qhen was there. Waiting. Viss looked up at Qhen. Qhen stepped away, and Viss walked out and closed the door behind her.

Alice laid there on the floor, in a mingling pool of her and viss' blood, sweat and tears. Alice rolled out of it and flopped on the floor again. She was so tired. She would close her eyes. Just for a moment. Not sleep. Just- A nap. No dreams necessary. No dreams. . .

She woke up:

( ) On the floor of the voidspace where she collapsed.
( ) In bed.
( ) In grass.
( ) In space.
( ) In the arms of (Qhen/Viss)
( ) Alone.
( ) [?]

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