RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-10-2012, 03:02 AM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Rewrote last week's work.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Phenomenal Fracas.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote several short pieces about the Hero Squad.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Busy with schoolwork.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Wrote for schoolwork.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Wrote a post for Deathgame 9000.
- SeaWyrm: Summarized stuff in Burn Up A Character.
As for me, here's what I did:
Sunday - Wrote a short piece and a GB profile.
Monday - Wrote a Tonguewizard update.
Tuesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote a short piece.
Thursday - Wrote something stupid.
Friday - Wrote a butt.
Saturday - Wrote a Pete the Peasant update.
This was not a great week for me writing-wise, a lot of these were short and inconsequential. I'll aim to write more interesting things this week.