Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
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StrawBarrel Wrote:Clax: Apply Empathy.

[Image: look_away.png]

[Image: red_flower.png] [Image: red_question.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: red_say.png] [Image: red_radio.png] [Image: red_question.png]

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] No. I'm done talking to them right now.
You can do whatever you want.

Come with me, or stay here. It's your choice.

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: stalk_off.png]

Tiruin Wrote:Hana: Remember one of the nicer characters you've played as--what would she say to you?
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'Sup, nerd? [Image: hana_conscience_pb_RFL.png]

[Image: conscience.png]

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] Oh okay. We're doing this thing now.
The "Tiny People That Represent Your Conscience" thing.

This is a thing that's actually happening.

To my brain.

Sure seems that way! [Image: hana_conscience_pb_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] Cool. It's about time I stopped pretending this was real.

Or not insane.

How's it going, Princess Bloodthorne?

Oh, you know. Until a few seconds ago, it wasn't? [Image: hana_conscience_pb_gesture_RFL.png]

But hey, what about you? You seem kinda pissed.
What happened, dude?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Ugh... it was just that rando on the radio.
Pulling some kind of "I can't tell you anything" crap.
Heaping more "Vague Spooky Mystery" onto a crap situation.

I mean, it's stressful enough being lost somewhere, right?
On top of that, having this... brain thing? Not remembering?
I don't need constant reminders of that, right now.

Yeah, I feel you on that. That sorta stuff's getting you upset? [Image: hana_conscience_pb_RFL.png]
Getting brow-beaten with reminders that you've lost your mind?

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png] Exactly!

She said. To her literal hallucination. [Image: hana_conscience_pb_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_blush_nervous_LFR.png] Err, sorry. No offense, Princess. You're a cool hallucination.

Yeah, I know. [Image: hana_conscience_pb_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] Anyway, like I was saying. I need to focus right now, right?
And to do that, I sorta need to forget how messed up things are!

Maybe later, after I get through this, and out of here?
Then I can... process whatever's happening?
And try to figure out who I was, or who I am, or whatever?

Sure. That's a pretty solid plan. [Image: hana_conscience_pb_gesture_RFL.png]
Put those feelings on a shelf somewhere. Handle where you're at now.
Other stuff comes later.

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] Oh, and that "Stay put, calm down, and do nothing" bit?

They honestly expect me to sit on my ass? Do nothing to figure this out?
Is it weird how upsetting that is? Am I in the wrong here?

Oh hell no, honey! [Image: hana_conscience_pb_yell_RFL.png]

They pulled that "Damsel In Distress" garbage?
You don't need any of that played-out trash, dude!

[Image: hana_rough_angry_LFR.png] Yeah. That's what I was thinking.
I'm not about to just sit around, and wait for somebody to...

Hey, Hana? Lady Bloodthorne?[Image: hana_conscience_maria_gesture_RFL.png]
Can I cut in real quick?

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png] Uh... sure. Though I don't recognize you.
Wait, are those the clothes from my... dream?

Yes. I'm Maria, I guess?[Image: hana_conscience_maria_RFL.png]
I mean, not really? I'm just imaginary. But I wanted to say.
Did you... notice how worried the person on the radio sounded?

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png] ...yeah. Yeah, I did.

Kinda like they were afraid they weren't up to... whatever this is?
It sounded like they were trying to get psyched up or something.

Like their "I can do this" was as much to reassure them as it was for me.

Well, they know more about the situation than you do, correct? [Image: hana_conscience_maria_gesture_RFL.png]
And, they also seemed to be worried about you, too. Genuinely.
Possibly even a little scared for their own sake?

There's a lot of unknowns here. But they seemed to be looking out for you?
And they seem to know something about the dangers of this situation.
So... don't you think you were a bit hasty, by suddenly leaving?
Don't you think you ought to go back, and try talking this out?

Maybe you two can work together, right? Help each other out!
It doesn't have to be one-sided. You can try to convince them.

[Image: hana_rough_askance_LFR.png] I suppose that's true... I did kinda storm off.
Maybe we could talk it out? I don't know... I still feel conflicted.

Good points all around, ladies. [Image: hana_conscience_pb_gesture_RFL.png]
But, just as a quick rebuttal... how about Fuck That Shit?
You really think they're not just going to pull more coy crap?
And do you trust them to tell you what's up, more than your own eyes?

Judging by the sound of things, they think you're frail and helpless right now.
So what, then? You agreeing with that? You throwing in the towel?
You want to be that kind of person?

You got this far on your own, haven't you? In a situation this crazy?
So, what makes you think you need their help, Hana?
You're tough, and you're smart, and you're capable. You can handle this on your own.

Trust yourself, dude. Right now, you're the only one you can trust.

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Messages In This Thread
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