Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
[Image: menu_back.png][Image: menu_next.png]

OceanSoul Wrote:> ...ask robot if it has a preferred name.

Suddenly, you realize that you never asked the Robot what their name was.
And, now that you think about it, you never introduced yourself either? Whoops!

Do robots even have names? It kinda didn't cross your mind until now.
You've caught yourself thinking of them as some-thing rather than some-one a few times, too.
...does that make you a bad person? It's hard to not feel like a Robo-Racist right now.

To be fair, you could cut yourself some slack. You've never met any robots before today.
Or at least, you don't remember meeting any robots before? Though, with your memory the way it is...

If nothing else, from now on? Whenever anyone accuses you of being a Robo-Racist?
You can tell them that some of your best friends are robots.

Or one robot, rather. Whose... er... name you still don't know.

[Image: no_bot.png]

You look around for your Robot friend, hoping to talk. Unfortunately, you don't see them anywhere.
It seems like they didn't follow you down into this room, for some reason?

Weird, but oh well. You'll just have to ask them later.

StrawBarrel Wrote:> Check the floor tiles/blocks for footprints or other signs of someone entering this small room.
Egan_BW Wrote:> Lotta stuff here. Let's start with looking at the thing to the right, then work our way left.

[Image: stock.png]

You start investigating the room, and it's contents.

A Shelf and a Metal Desk run along one end of the room. They're covered in clutter and dust.
In fact, everything in this room is covered in a thick, gritty layer of dust.
There are no noticeable footsteps, or signs of recent disturbances, except for yours.
If you had to guess, no one has been in this room for quite some time.

Starting from the right, you see a stack of Loose Paper, covered in writing.
The pages are old and yellowed, but the words look legible at a glance.
Left of that, there's a box-shaped Metal Monitor, and a same-sized loose Metal Plate.
It reminds you of your Robot friend, minus the spider legs. And semblance of life.
Maybe it's broken? Looks like it might be partially disassembled.

Next, there's that large, dusty Shelving Unit, covered in various junk, bits, and bobs.
Working your way from the top down, you see Crumpled Paper and a Large Book.
Under that, some kind of unknown Circuit Board, with a stray wire attached.
Next to that are a few fist-sized Metallic Canisters, each with a nubby bit on top.
Something about the shape makes you think of Larger-Than-Usual Batteries.
Lastly, the bottom shelf is full of several shiny, Reddish Metal Bars of some sort.

monk12 Wrote:> Loot All

[Image: hana_inventory.png]

You'd like to take all this stuff with you, but your Bag can only fit a few more items.
You'll have to pick a limited number of these things, if any, to bring with you.

You might have been able to take more, if you still had your second Duffle. Too bad it got eaten.
Makes you wonder. Did you bring the spare, knowing you'd want to loot this place?

Tiruin Wrote:> Prioritize things we can USE or READ

Before you decide what you want to take, you need to find out what's in here.

You decide to focus on sources of information. You look at the pile of Loose Papers first.
The pages are ripped along one edge, like they were torn out of something, and left here.
They look like pages from a day planner, with printed-out date headers and a space for writing.

The words are handwritten in two distinct styles; one tight-packed and blocky, the other formal and flowing.
No weird symbols, garbled words, or any of that either. Everything looks normal.

You start reading the topmost page.

[Image: planner_page.png]

Loose Papers, Page 1/4:Show

It sounds like the writers were managers here? These were pages from some kind of logbook.
Weird that these Logbook Pages were just torn out and left here like this.
Wonder if that's where those Crumpled-Up Pages came from, too. More of the same?

You'd like to read the rest, but you decide to set the paper back down on the pile for now.
This might be something you want to take with you.

NUKE9.13 Wrote:> Read ye book
ShadowHammer Wrote:> See if we can read the book. Legible words or more dream-writing?

[Image: sketch_book.png]

You reach up above the Metal Shelves, and pull down a hefty Red Book.
It's discolored, musty-smelling, and seems a bit older than the Loose Papers.
You quickly flip through the pages, trying to get a sense for what it's about.

It doesn't have a title, or any words. Just a series of rough Sketches in dark ink.
There's one that looks like a gear, but with shovel-heads in place of the gear teeth.
Another that's jumble of pipes, bolts, and wires. It reminds you a bit of a car engine.
A doodle of faded signs and a traffic light, at an intersection overgrown with vines and trees.
A set of sketches of an aircraft hanger or warehouse, with details of the walls and ceiling struts.
A silhouette of a jagged tower rising above a forest, with tiny bird-shapes swarming around it.

[Image: book_zoom.png]

You're guessing this is a Sketchbook of some sort. If there's a theme, though, it isn't obvious.

You eventually find a page with a dog-eared corner; a radio, in various stages of disassembly.
Each component has been carefully drawn, with a web of lines connecting them to one another.
It looks an awful lot like the one you found upstairs, come to think of it.

There are other similar sketches in the surrounding pages, of devices that aren't familiar to you.
You'd like to keep looking through it, but you could easily spend hours flipping through this.
For now, you close it, and set it back down near the Loose Papers.

Sir Knight Wrote:> ...pull the bar lever on the right under the lightning bolt logo. If that's not the power control, then nothing is.

[Image: wall_box.png]

You turn your attention to a Metal Box attached to the wall, near the staircase landing.
Inside a recess, you see an exposed Reddish Bar. It looks corroded, or maybe burnt.

The lightning icon at the top hints that it's related to power. Might be the Power Switch?
Without thinking too much about it, you quickly reach forward to grab the bar.

A moment too late, you remember the last time you blindly reached into an alcove...
Panic seizes your heart as your hand makes contact. Another shock like that last one could...


The Corroded Bar is cool to the touch, and very much not electrically charged.
You give it a few quick pulls, but it doesn't seem to want to budge.
It's solidly stuck in place. Maybe if you pulled a little harder...

STRENGTH TEST: 1 Might + 2 Stamina ☆☆☆ <VS> Difficulty ★Show

With one last firm pull, and a springy metallic sound, the entire Corroded Bar breaks free, and into your hand.

...wait, breaks free?

[Image: fuse_blown.png]

[Image: corroded_bar.png]

[Image: hana_equip.png]

You sure hope that was supposed to happen!

[Image: menu_back.png][Image: menu_next.png]

Messages In This Thread
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RE: Ashwood Cross - by Reyweld - 08-02-2017, 12:36 PM
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RE: Ashwood Cross - by Wessolf27 - 08-06-2017, 06:12 PM
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RE: Ashwood Cross - by Tuesbirdy - 08-07-2017, 07:10 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by sprïly - 08-07-2017, 10:37 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by Wessolf27 - 08-07-2017, 11:43 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by Reyweld - 08-08-2017, 01:17 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by Sunspider - 08-11-2017, 03:35 PM
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RE: Ashwood Cross - by FlanDab - 10-19-2017, 10:46 AM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by Wessolf27 - 10-19-2017, 01:20 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by The One Guy - 10-19-2017, 05:58 PM
RE: Ashwood Cross - by Smurfton - 10-19-2017, 10:54 PM
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