Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
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Dermonster Wrote:Try to see if it would take a song in exchange.
monk12 Wrote:If it doesn't take the song, perhaps it will take friendship.

Name it Pimblokto and never fail to to treat it with respect.

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]Are you saying you want to trade?
...for you to give me my own Flashlight back?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png]Kind of a dick move... but okay. How about a song?
I've got this Ukulele here, and I could play...

[Image: red_thumbs_down.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_sheepish_LFR.png]Not a music fan, huh? Well, what if I offer...
My friendship and gratitude!

I'll even throw in a quirky nickname, just for you.
How do you feel about "Pimblokto?"

[Image: red_thumbs_down.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: red_unknown.png] [Image: red_approximate_not.png]

[Image: negotiate.png]

Unfortunately, the Robot doesn't seem interested in your previous offers.
So much that they resorted to some abstract-looking symbols, even.
Sure, you're not offering much, but this Robot is a thief!
Who cares if they recovered your Flashlight, when they're selling it back to you!

Anyway, there's no sense backing out just yet you suppose.
Maybe they're looking to trade something more... tangible?
You don't have much, but you can think of a few options to try.

TheBiggerFish Wrote:Ask what it might take.
spümpkin Wrote:Give the robot the stuffed cat. It might find a better use for it than us.
Sir Knight Wrote:Demonstrate to robot the function of the zipper on the Another Duffel Bag. Then offer the Another Duffel Bag in trade.

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png]Maybe I could interest you in something else.

I have here a one-of-a-kind, finely-crafted Cat Plush.
Note the quality stitching on the button eyes, and...
...and on the tail end!

Definitely more Awful Cute than Just Awful. And it's soft, too!
So how about it? Would you call that a fair trade?

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]Okay, great. Let's not finalize anything yet.
I've got another thing here you might like.

This is my Duffel Bag. Solid canvas and metal construction.
The straps are in great shape. A-and it's got a zipper!
Watch! It opens and closes! Hours of fun, for the easily amused.

Heck, you could probably even fit inside. Use it as a Tiny Tent.
Or find another Duffel Bag to stick it inside, for a Quality Prank.

What do you say?

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: plush.png] [Image: duffel_red.png]

The Robot seems about as interested in the Cat Plush as they are in your extra Duffel Bag.
You were honestly hoping for some help on this decision. Your heart's divided over this too.
If only there was another way to get your Flashlight back, or find your way.

The spare Duffel is sort of useful, even if you've equipped one already.
You could sling it over your other shoulder to haul something.
And you must've brought a spare to this Mine for a reason... right?

On the other hand, the Cat Plush isn't very practical. But it is handcrafted.
And it's pretty cute, and soft, and weird too. Good qualities, you reckon.
You wonder if it was something you made yourself? or was it a gift...

Remembering more than you do would be pretty helpful, right now.

Dermonster Wrote:ADOPT THE ROBOT.
OceanSoul Wrote:It probably already has an owner. Wonder who it could be.
After exchange, ask about it's owner.
monk12 Wrote:Aw man don't say that! That's super racist against robots!

The Robot presumably knows this area well. Keeping them with you could help.
On top of that, as much as you hate to admit it... they're kinda cute?
Cute in a tiny, boxy, cuthroat, cyclopian spider-bot kind of way?

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]Hey, do you have an owner or something?

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_sheepish_LFR.png]Shit, that probably sounded really insensitive, didn't it?
I meant to ask if you have... like... do you work for someone?

[Image: red_thumbs_down.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_embarrassed_LFR.png]...can I go ahead and assume that Thumbs Down applies for both?

Like, to whether I'm being a total Robo-Racist here too?

[Image: red_shrug.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_blush_nervous_LFR.png]Ehehehe... heh. Okay.

Well, if you're your own Robot, with no duties?
Do you think you'd like to help me out?

I'd love to have someone who knows this Mine better than I do.

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_embarrassed_LFR.png]Oh wow, shit... not "have someone" as in "own"!
I meant that like "have with me". Like a companion. Not a... know?

[Image: red_ellipsis.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_extremely_embarrassed_LFR.png]Let's just talk about this later, then!!!

[Image: embarrassed.png]

Maybe you should focus on getting your Flashlight back for now, Hana.

[Image: menu_back.png][Image: menu_next.png]

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