Ashwood Cross

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Ashwood Cross
RE: Ashwood Cross
[Image: menu_back.png][Image: menu_next.png]

NUKE9.13 Wrote:> Talk to robot
Sir Knight Wrote:> "Can you understand me?"
Tiruin Wrote:Ask for help about this place. Basic information query.

[Image: chatbot.png]

The Robot stands, looking at you inquisitively. Almost like they expect something.

You decide to try talking some more. Maybe you can come to some kind of understanding?
They might be able to answer some questions, or share information about this place, too.

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]So hey. Can you understand what I'm saying?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png]Your screen just showed a Thumbs Up for a second.

...does that mean Yes?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]You're sorta talking in pictures, I guess? That's cool.
Can you do other pictures?

[Image: red_thumbs_down.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png]Was that a joke?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]Huh.

How about some more complex questions, then.
Where are we? What is this place?

[Image: red_crystal.png] [Image: red_dust_pile.png] [Image: red_mining_pick.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_perplexed_LFR.png]I didn't follow all of that. Judging by that Pickaxe, though...
You're saying this is some kind of mine?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

After your question, another Thumbs Up displays briefly on the Robot's screen.
Shortly afterward, it returns to the familiar and expectant-looking red eye.

When you think of stories about robots, this isn't what you'd typically expect.
This one seem to understand you well, though. And they even have a sense of humor?

Getting your replies as a series of Emoji is kinda weird too, but it works.

[Image: think.png]

Anyway, this cave is apparently a Mine? That might explain the construction and such.
It also seems to be abandoned. You've seen no signs of recent activity.
If that's true, though, it's strange that there'd still be electrical power in here.

You wonder what anyone would be mining for in this place. Metal? Gems? Oil?
Without any Geology Skill, there's no way for you to make a solid guess.
All you can see is a bunch of smooth, grainy rock. Probably Sandstone or something.

The nature of the cave reminds you of a more pressing question, though.

Just why the heck did you wake up in a Derelict Mine, anyway?
Part of you hopes that exploring deeper will yield some kind of clue.

Tiruin Wrote:"If you can help..." it'd be nice.
OceanSoul Wrote:The thing's curious, so maybe a little information would help appease it.

[Image: hana_rough_base_LFR.png]Anyway, I'm trying to find my way through this Mine.
Since you seem to know this place, I'd appreciate your help.
Could you help me out, here?

[Image: red_thumbs_up.png] [Image: red_thumbs_down.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: hana_rough_miffed_LFR.png]Yes and No. I'm guessing that means Maybe?
In that case, let me explain something to you.

That blue tube you're playing with? It's a Flashlight.
I see you *ehem* already noticed it makes light.
The thing is, I'm a Human.
Don't know about you, but I need light to see in the dark. that's why I need it back. Okay?

The Robot pauses for a moment, as if considering your request.
Then, their display flashes a sequence of symbols you haven't seen yet.

[Image: red_biped.png] [Image: red_question_right.png] [Image: red_bot.png] [Image: clax_base_RFL.png]

[Image: red_biped.png] [Image: red_torch_left.png] [Image: red_bot.png]

Once finished, the Robot's display returns to a single eye.
They seem to be looking at you curiously, as if judging your next move.

You take a moment to think about their reply, and decide what to do next.

[Image: menu_back.png][Image: menu_next.png]

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