Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
(11-29-2012, 11:05 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »...Joke?

Really? Well, perhaps I can win the new Kevin over with my sense of humor, it seems worth a try. Ahem!

J is for Joke!

What do you call a man who covers his armor in sandpaper? A rough knight!

I have no idea what I just said. But perhaps the Kevins appreciated it?

"What are you babbling about, peasant?"
"What are you babbling about, peasant?"
"You, shut up!"
"You, shut up!"

No, it seems the joke has fallen flat. Perhaps I should try something else.

(11-30-2012, 09:37 PM)btp Wrote: »Burrow into the ground!

Oh, that might work. Perhaps the dagger can help me with that. Well, let's try this...

B is for Burrow!

"Why's that fool peasant gone and stuck his head in the ground?"
"Why's that fool peasant gone and stuck his head in the ground?"
"Don't start with me again! Stay out of my way, impostor!"
"Don't start with me again! Stay out of my way, impostor!"
"Kevin, you fool! There's no need to argue with yourself, he does whatever you do. If you attack the peasant, he'll do the same!"
"He will? I like the sound of that. Thanks, Kurt!"
"He will? I like the sound of that. Thanks, Kurt!"

Oh dear. This burrowing doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere very fast, and it seems the Kevins are working together now. I'd best try something else.

(11-29-2012, 04:07 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »J is for JUMP
and H is for HIGH

Well, I'm not sure how high I can actually jump, but perhaps it will put me in a better position...

J is for Jump!

Ow! Apparently, I jumped higher than I thought. I've hit my head on the ceiling.

"What was that noise?"
"What was that noise?"
"Look out!"
"Look out!"


Well, that was a less painful landing than I expected. And I seem to have knocked out one of the Kevins. I'm not sure which one, though...


Oh, the other one just fell over. I suppose this is the original.

"I don't know what trickery you're pulling, peasant, but don't expect it to work on me! Prepare to die!"

Ah, and of course, Kurt is still here. I suppose a plan of some sort is in order.

What should I do now?

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