Beef Squad

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Beef Squad
RE: Beef Squad: The cloud prince drives like shit.
Hi i have a beefsquad discussion thread where u can ask questions and discuss lore, wowie look at that


Other comments!

Meriad takes a deep inhale through his nose, to clear his head from the icy cold grasp of panic. He didn't think he would even get this far, but here he is, trying to talk his way out of a speeding ticket, and/or actual jail time, in a nasty-ass cell. Meriad wishes that he still had his watch on him to re-check his stats, because he doesn't have a shred of certainty that he's going to pull this stunt off.

"500 kilometers? Well no wonder we didn't see the sign! And shouldn't we be dead anyway? And if we're dead, why are you holding us up? You
can't fine the dead, that's just common sense! You cops should have more common sense, because uncommon sense is stupid, and is just going to wast my time and yours, officer, and you don't want that, do you? Me explaining the fact that you can't fine the dead is taking time out of your job, which you could use by not being an idiot and using your common sense to catch the criminal mastermind stealing from your banks a few kilometers back, or fixing the damn stoplight you dumb rotisserie-chicken-looking-ass fuckboy."
--- Meriad stops for a second to catch his breath
, the cop looks at him with eyebrows raised high enough to pierce the heavens.---
"I swear those things turn red everytime when it's important. Like right now I have to return this ugly blinking
CAr monstrosity to it's rightfuL owner for an emergency news report about how force fieLds cause cancer! Even after a few seconds of exposure, my shirt and...uh...VOICE turned a gROSS, radioactive green! This is a breaking news story that can't wait a single moment or this poor child in the seat next to me will get her entire family murdered."

"I'm 18 tho, and i rlly dont mind the 'murder your entire family' thing, they tried to sacrifice me to the Sun Man lol."

"Meemo keep your mouth shut you are not helping the situation at all Like I was saying, let us go or you're going to have to deal with the violent metal trash can, aka 'Crazy Robot Man'. What do you think he'll do to your corpse once he knows that you tried to stop one of the most important news stories in centuries from coming onto his channel, huh?"

[Image: poy0UzW.png]

Meriad feels a sense of accomplishment and pride blossoming inside his chest. There's no way in hell he'll be able to bypass that charisma che-

The cop slowly lifts his pen, and presses a small round button on the side.

[Image: nFMJF2P.png]

A flash of light followed by the quiet snap of the camera catches Meriad by surprise, which quickly turns to horror once he realises what that means. The cop goes back to scribbling on his notebook, a slight smirk of contempt adorning his face.

Meriad hurridly leans close to Meemo. He takes a quick glance at the cop, and returns his worried gaze back upon her .

[Image: psslgkj.png]

Girl I don't think he's falling for it. Do you have any bird seed or something that I can throw at him so we can jump out of the car and just run?"

Meemo shakes her head sadly.
"They won't fall for it, believe me dude, i tried it myself and it ended up with me getting my ass kicked."

"The fact that I called him a dumb rotisserie-chicken-looking-ass fuckboy didn't help my argument mu-"

"Quiet!" The cop snaps loudly, startling both Meriad and Meemo away from their frantic whispering. Meriad turns to the cop in irritation.

"I already told you all my reasons, what else do you want? A complimentary package of peanuts?" Meriad retorts angrily.

"How about we start with the truth? That's a good starting point, don't you think?"

The cop leans closer.

Meriad doesn't like the way the cop stares at him. He could feel the hairs rising on the nape of his neck.

"What do you mea-"

"You know exactly what I mean. You cannot lie to the traffic police, the traffic police are not affected by sweet talks, bribes, or whining. We are traffic police for a reason, boy." The cop whispers
"I'll ask you again, and it is best you answer me truthfully; Why where you going 500 kilometres over the speeding limit?"

Meriad is terrified. Not only by the way the cop is acting right now, but also by how easily the cop saw through all his bluffing, and tore through them all like wet tissue paper. Meriad will remember this Interaction. [Life lesson learned: Don't mess with the traffic police.

Meriad knows any lie he throws at the cop will get shredded, all attempts of worming out of a ticket will get shredded, and all charisma checks he dumps on the cop will get shredded. He didn't know that the traffic cops of Sunny district were this strict, which is very uncharacteristic of the district itself. Meriad's sense of pride and accomplishment disintegrates into dust. He just wants to get this over with now.

"I can't drive to save my life."


[Image: AZ0ch0q.png]

Meriad is done with life.

[Image: 3KQ1bkU.gif]

They wouldn't even put her in a different cell, and now she's screeching over his head. Great, wonderful, fantastic.
They would have only gotten a speeding ticket, but noOoooO, the cop has to call "Crazy Robot Man" for confirmation on the news report, and the murder robot just haaad to say that the car was "stolen", and he doesn't "know wack about this news report".

Meriad hears footsteps coming towards the cell. He sits up straight, and even Meemo stops screeching for a second to take a look at what's happening.

[Image: BCfFBzn.png]

[Image: k4bmtEg.png]

[Image: cHhW7cg.png]

The Sherrif takes a long, hard look at Meriad, and tries to take a sip from his cup of joe. He fails because coffee mugs are not made for birds and that makes him sad. He hands the coffee cup to another cop rushing by, who promptly takes it without comment, and disappears around a corner with a trail of feathers floating behind them. The Sherrif turns back to face Meriad again, and scans his list once more. He pulls out a small, circular, phone, decorated with smiley stickers and little stars.

[Image: caPUVoO.png]

"It was bejeweled by my daughter, I had no part in the blingin'." he says sheepishly, slipping the phone to Meriad through a small opening in the cell door.

"You only get one phone call, so choose wisely, buddy." he warns.

>Meriad can call anybody he knows. Either a character he met before (Tammy, Crazy Robot Man, Gordon Queeman, O-N3,Ross, Tank, etc...), or you can make up a character, like I said before, and call them. What will Meriad say?

Use this template if you're making someone up:
Name- (their name or nickname)
Species- (name of species, followed by short description)
District-(there are multiple, like the drizzle district, sunny district, dandelion district, fuckin spaghetti district exists for some reason. Hell, make up a district if ya want!)
Gender- (boy/gal/ other)
Quick description of character- (personality, backstory, all that pizazz. No more than a few sentences needed, but if you want to add a bit more flesh to your character, go ahead!)


Messages In This Thread
Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-13-2017, 01:07 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Schazer - 06-13-2017, 01:12 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-13-2017, 02:15 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by NotABear - 06-13-2017, 02:45 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by NonAnalogue - 06-13-2017, 09:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-14-2017, 12:20 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-14-2017, 12:43 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Arcanuse - 06-14-2017, 12:53 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-14-2017, 01:32 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Schazer - 06-14-2017, 01:29 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Arcanuse - 06-14-2017, 02:09 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by smuchmuch - 06-14-2017, 02:26 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by NonAnalogue - 06-14-2017, 02:37 PM
RE: Beef Squad: You get shamed by God - by eerr - 06-14-2017, 07:15 PM
RE: Beef Squad: You get shamed by God - by Kowlb - 06-15-2017, 12:36 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by Tim Tesy - 06-17-2017, 11:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by eerr - 06-18-2017, 02:54 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-18-2017, 03:27 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by NonAnalogue - 06-18-2017, 07:38 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Well frick - by Myeth - 06-20-2017, 11:11 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Dorsidwarf - 06-20-2017, 11:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Tim Tesy - 06-21-2017, 01:09 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by AABowser - 06-21-2017, 03:26 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Myeth - 06-22-2017, 11:34 AM