You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad

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You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad
RE: You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad
lavaheart626 Wrote:> disguise yourself as a snow man and follow them into the house

[Image: Fogel1076.png]

Ugh. You're covered in snow.

[Image: Fogel1077.png]

Wait a minute... That gives you an idea!

[Image: Fogel1078.png]

Using a clever disguise, you stay close to your quarry and wait for the right moment to strike.

[Image: Fogel1079.png]

They're at the house. You'd better move soon.

[Image: Fogel1080.png]

Okay, you just need to wait until their attention is elsewhere...

[Image: Fogel1081.png]

Perfect! Your grandmother's lectures should give you a chance to grab your younger self and escape.

[Image: Fogel1082.png]

Got him! But man, it's hot in here...

[Image: Fogel1083.png]

Whoops. Looks like you're all wet now.

Reloading from last save...

Kíeros Wrote:> Swim through the snow, keeping a low profile.

[Image: Fogel1084.png]

You decide to take advantage of your position to remain unseen.

[Image: Fogel1085.png]

"Oh, great. Look at this big mess. With my luck, I'm probably going to get orders to shovel it later."

[Image: Fogel1086.png]

Whoops! Looks like you've been discovered.

[Image: Fogel1087.png]

"Hey! You there! Who are you? What's the big idea?"

AlphabetizedInsanity Wrote:> People've been addressing you as 'Colonel' this entire time. Pull rank and command the soldier to release the past-you! Even if you aren't his Colonel, we've learned that the folks around here are not that bright.

[Image: Fogel1088.png]

Suddenly, something occurs to you. This guy is a private. Technically, you outrank him.

[Image: Fogel1089.png]

"I am Colonel Aureliano Buendia, and I order you to transfer the child to my custody!"

[Image: Fogel1090.png]

"A Colonel, you say?"

[Image: Fogel1091.png]

"Such a shame. According to Glorious Decree #17-Q, having the rank of Colonel is a crime, punishable by execution."

[Image: Fogel1092.png]

Oh. You wondered why your grandmother suddenly sent you that letter declaring you a Colonel. That makes more sense now.

[Image: Fogel1093.png]

Huh? What was that?

Grug Wrote:> Get rescued by the ghost of your dead brother from the first page.

[Image: Fogel1094.png]

"Hey! Quit picking on that guy! He's got the same name as my brother!"

[Image: Fogel1095.png]

Wait, his brother? Did you find the wrong younger self?

[Image: Fogel1096.png]

In fact, now that you think about it, this soldier doesn't look anything like the guy who was leading your brother away.

[Image: Fogel1097.png]

"Glad that's over with. That guy kept saying something about a watch, I don't know why. I don't have a watch. I think Aureliano got one for his birthday, though."

[Image: Fogel1098.png]

"So what are you waiting for? Let's get out of here! I don't want to go to Grandma's house, she's so boring."

[Image: Fogel1099.png]

Well, this is a problem. If this is your brother, then where's your younger self? And how are you going to rescue him?

Messages In This Thread
RE: You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad - by Dragon Fogel - 12-07-2012, 11:37 PM