Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)

Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, wine berries and monsters)

(06-24-2017, 01:13 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »Oh, and if there are flying sharks, how about some swimming songbirds:
The Songfish: Which is a kind of aquatic fish with very colourful plumage (scaleage?), that tends to stick it's head out of the water and emit a very cheery mating call.
(06-23-2017, 11:37 PM)Major Matt Mason Wrote: »Mer-ents and mer-stumplings? With seaweed tails?

[Image: lC8jrAT.jpg]
Near a cove, merlings and song fish sing to each other
The merlings are a female race with no males counted in their species

A frill covers the middle of the head. Their mouths protrude out and lips plump. Gills on the sides of the neck and fins, fanned on both sides of the head
Their tails are covered in seaweed that are strapped on as decorations or maybe snacks?

The song fish are multi coloured rainbow scaled fish. That pop out of the sea and singing a high vocal tone. Several fish pop out of the ocean with different tones and oddly in rhythm.

Normally this would be a mating call but right now they are doing this as a game with the merlings

The rainbow fish sing to the merlings and the merlings sang to them in response.
The singing echoed and resonated in the cove almost like an orchestra hall

(07-14-2017, 03:34 AM)tegerioreo Wrote: »The ent should be androgynous of course, and reproduce by pollination with the kind assistance of some flying insect. The gentlemenbug are far too polite to do anything this lewd; the ent will be pollinated by a lecherous cadbeetle.

Fancy Snake must soothe the Leg Egg with poetry and finger snaps.
"Looking swell without your shell" (snap)
"Oh this groovy chick is like a summers day" (snap) .. and so on
(07-14-2017, 08:46 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »I vote that the ent should be hermaphroditic, as many plants are. Ent fruit, turn out to be highly attractive to the jackalotaurs (which then act as surrogate parents, as the ent seeds sprout in their stomachs. Then they have an instinctual urge to return to the ent just before the growing entling grows too much for their small bodies to handle. Actual birth, be very messy, though the jackalotaurs reproduce fast enough on their own, so that "ent surrogacy" doesn't impact their numbers much.)

The Gentlemenbug, while mostly pacifistic, do have a way of settling differences by dueling using long pointy sticks. Victory is normally achieved by knocking opponent's top hat off. In an emergency, though, they are willing to use their sticks to fight actual hostiles, but only as a last resort.

One of the Vanar that originally sang the world into existence, accidentally sneeze at it.
Sneeze, cause numerous chunks of the world all over the globe to rip themselves off the ground and levitate above it. Some chunks, be small, others, as large as mediocre islands. Some, float just above the ground, other hover so high, they look like mere specks in the sky. Some that came off of the ocean floor, come to the surface, where they look like real islands, while some hove below the surface in the depths. Leave behind craters below, some of which end up filled with water to form lakes.

The Slixen (sing. "slix"), appear on one of the larger, rather low flying chunks.
These creatures resemble a cross between anthropomorphic vixens and giant slugs. Be rather large, about one and a half times taller as the gentlemenbug, and far longer. Resemble vixens from above the waist, with the only difference being that they have two pairs of arms, of which the top pair ends with nimble 4-fingered hands used for fine work, and the bottom pair ends with larger 3-fingered hands, used mostly for lifting and carrying things. Eyes are immobile in their sockets, but those sockets are an the tip of short, but highly mobile eye stalks. Below the waist, look like giant slugs. Colour can range from reds, browns and light greens for the fur, while the slug parts tend to be yellow, brown or somewhat green. Like real slugs, be hermaphrodites. Also, like real slugs, move around using their own secreted slime. Top speed, be a bit faster that an average walking speed for a same-sized biped, but not by much. Have no fear of windsharks due to your very unpleasant tasting slime.
Culturally, they are philosophical, mystical, introverted, and posses a common (but not universal) strong dislike for the "pounding creatures" (meaning anything that moves on legs). They spend most of their time engaged in philosophy, observing the ground and farming.
One of their superstitions is, that crossing another's slime trail before it dries up brings them misfortune.

I wonder if the chick is really a chick, or is she(?) really some sort of horrific monstrosity inside the shell. But if she(?) fully hatches and sprouts her wings (Which for all we know could resemble dragonfly's wings more than birds), she(?) could take NED to visit hard to reach places.

Processing Whoa

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