[Lambda] A small adventure begins...

[Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote: > Try convincing your metaparxi coworker at The Lab to come along
No, you know they could never leave. You know how metaparxi employment works.

Quote:> hey if you still have the delphik's phone you can reset and sell it
> ...or give it back amd try to recruit them but less points
That old thing? You'd nearly forgotten about it, but you gave it to lost and found the day after you started your job.

Quote:>Explore the space station!
Quote:>Diners are too nice to find people willing to risk life and limb for adventure, you need to find a seedy bar or tavern to recruit adventurous folk.
Quote:>Look for more crew members outside!
There are no seedy places in a nice space station like this, but you take a walk around and manage to spot a few people who didn't seem to be busy.

There's an aftik, a geptad, a mialcsem, a tourist, a generic (who may be a specific, you don't know), and a geckrechaun who seemed to be running a homemade store on a cardboard box. Who should you talk to first?


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