Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
[Image: tumblr_ost37vmHyD1vhmgkso5_r1_1280.png]


There's no answer for a while. Lux starts typing again, then stops. She repeats.
You get the feeling she’s choosing her words carefully.

At this friendship level, this is the most Lux is willing to say to you.

This topic slowly reminds you a bit about your history lessons.

You then face a question. How many gods do you know of, really?

[Jack rolled a 13 on a knowledge check.]

You definetly know some gods, but all of them are related to Lux some way or another. You do live with a mother who worships her, in the lightest sense of the word.

[Image: tumblr_ost37vmHyD1vhmgkso1_1280.jpg]

Pato, for instance, is Lux's predecessor. He was the god of Sun and Light before he retired, and passed his mantle to Lux.

From what you know, he's a relativley benign god. He wasn't very strict, but he always did his duties.

You think maybe he was like a father figure to Lux, guiding her through the steps.

He was depicted as a dog like figure with wings like a bird, with his wings radiating light.

[Image: tumblr_ost37vmHyD1vhmgkso2_r1_1280.png]
Luna is Lux's sister, and the goddes of Moon and Sky. Despite being the younger sister, she holds a greater responsibilty when th two of them manage the sky, leaving that mantle to her.

She and Lux are often recorded to be having a small rivaly, but nothing significant.

Luna is rarley seen, and rarely talked about. She performs her duties quicker than other gods, to the point no being has ever really seen her, excluding her fellow gods.

She is often depicted as a deer putting light in the sky.

[Image: tumblr_ost37vmHyD1vhmgkso3_r1_1280.png]
There's also Lux's apprentice, Ban. The god of crime and drugs. Typically, it’s customary for a god to choose someone to mentor before they have to step down and have someone take their mantle. Lux chose a quiet half-sheepcreature to mentor.

Initally, she and Ban got on well together. She usually talked to him beyond what a mentor would, treating him like a son. He would then proceed to remind her while she was a god longer than he was, it makes him older than her due to the slowed acceleration of time experienced by gods.

Unfortunatley, he found out his second mantle had an astonishing effect, and soon became what his own mantle. He then grew hatred for justice, the very thing he was meant to stand for, doing a complete 180°.

Lux says that if he stops taking drugs, justice will be restored, and a golden age will begin once again.

It’s been a few years since she’s said that, however. More than a few years.

You guess she’s trying.

You're not sure how he's depicted as, but he's definetly depicted as a sheep.

[Image: tumblr_ost37vmHyD1vhmgkso4_r1_1280.png]

Of course, there's the god of Present and Presents. You can't remeber their name, but you're often inclined to believe they're santa. They preserve the present, making sure the world doesn't fall.

You don't remeber what they were depicted as.

There's also the god of the Past. They're usually making sure the past is correctly preserved, and that any word about it is truthful.

Or at least, for the important events.

They are depicted by a rabbit holding a pocket watch.

The god of the Future's form is constantly changing. Their job is to preserve the world's future, making sure it is still there to look forward too. They also have other jobs you're not sure of.

They are depicted by a clock, held by a seemingly shifting figure. They are often seen with several other clocks on their being.

For the most part, you don't know much about the gods of time. A true enigma, they are. You could probably suggest things that they might be.

That's all the ones you remeber.

You have to get to class in ten minutes. There's no reason why you can't ask Lux one final question, or look for someone to walk to class with. Pio must stand out, at least.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 07-09-2017, 04:53 AM