RE: Four.
07-06-2017, 09:25 AM
Internal Memo from The TrueNew Management to Fellow Council Member wiltingMysotis; CC: Arcanuse;
It is Likely that the Floating text is our Soon to be subsumed MorselDear Patron's Method of Painting the Medium while we look through her Light Devouring Look OrbsEYES so as to facilitate the communication of slightly more abstract ideas than might easily be conveyed through speech or ideas that do not directly pertain to the matters at Grasping Limb such as erroniously unfavourable opinions of antiques
It is Likely that the Floating text is our Soon to be subsumed MorselDear Patron's Method of Painting the Medium while we look through her Light Devouring Look OrbsEYES so as to facilitate the communication of slightly more abstract ideas than might easily be conveyed through speech or ideas that do not directly pertain to the matters at Grasping Limb such as erroniously unfavourable opinions of antiques