The Daydreamer Project: Teatime

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The Daydreamer Project: Teatime
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Be Our Guest
Quote:Offer a token of your appreciation to the host!
Quote:Set Down the candle at the small table
[Image: yADeDs3.png]

You give a small chuckle to the old snake's antics. If you want to put his fears at ease, you'll need to go though the process carefully. Lucky you, this is a well practiced procedure at this point.

To begin, you take the first step of placing your candlestick at the table by the corner. Its dim glow and sweet fragrance make quick work of setting the perfect tea party ambiance.

Dr. Strangeglove gives an approving nod. "Yes, so far, so good..."

Quote:Bow or curtsie as appropriate, followed by a polite request to take a seat.
[Image: y1fYlZj.png]

Next, you typically make a call between a bow and curtsy depending on your mood and attire. You're lacking in the sort of dress to make a curtsy seem dignified (as opposed to the bold but oft-awkward "curtsy-in-pants pantomime"), so you opt for a deep bow instead.

"Good form," Strangeglove notes. "Adequate poise."

"She has excellent poise," Professor Goodnight interjects.

"She learned it from me," Missi proudly adds.

Strangeglove shakes his head. "As I said, adequate."

"You don't see anyone critiquing your posture," Says Missi.

"Especially considering that you never sit up straight." Says the Professor.

Swallowing hard, Dr. Strangeglove presses his back up against his chair to forcibly correct for his slouch. "Bah. Nothing wrong with my posture."

"Might I be seated, Professor?" you ask, still in the middle of a bow.

The Professor double-takes in your direction and motions towards the sole vacancy at the table. "Oh, ehm, of course, dear!"

Quote:Last to arrive gets to pour the tea!

[Image: bLvUS9M.png]

And lastly, of course, being the last guest means the responsibility for pouring a round of tea for everyone to enjoy. Your seat at the table has never changed over the years, even as you've grown - you find yourself down low to the ground with your knees nearly up to your chin as you sit. As soon as you've maneuvered yourself into a mostly comfortable position, Missi smiles and passes the teapot your way. It smells strongly of peppermint.

"Little Lynette's first day of work!" Missi hums. "I can remember when we were seeing you off to kindergarten! Ooh, aren't you excited?"

"Or Nervous?" Strangeglove adds. "Apprehensive? Hesitant? Anxious, perhaps?"

You shoot him a silencing glance.
"I think Ill do fine," you say. "I mean, at the end of the day they're paying me to sleep on the job."

The Professor lets out his most hearty laughter - which sounds half like a shout and half like a hoot, but most certainly nothing like a regular laugh should. "Ah, Lynette. I can only hope you stay so sharp in Dreamland beyond."

Missi sighs wistfully. "Oh, I've been dreading this day. I'd suppose, my dear, if you have any pressing questions about what you might deal with out in there in Dreamland... this would be the time to ask."


Messages In This Thread
The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Mr Machine - 06-14-2017, 09:16 PM
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RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Arcanuse - 07-04-2017, 09:21 PM
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Arcanuse - 07-09-2017, 06:45 AM
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Myeth - 07-09-2017, 09:47 AM