Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

Your teacher clears her throat. She's not looking straight at you, but you can hear her start the lesson. Pointedly, she asks everyone to keep their phones.

You twiddle your thumbs before looking at your phone.

You've heard occasionally followers somehow get... surveyed? By the godess herself. You doubt it's anything more than a prank though. As seeing as revealing yourself to be the daughter of the light duchess may incriminate you here, you decide to say...


Ultimatley, it's in your best intrest to pay close attention to the teacher either way, so you tuck in your phone for now.

Your teacher notices this and seems satisfied. “Alright! Welcome students, to Geography. As you may know, my name is Miss Dee, and I will be here for the rest of the year.“

She stands in front of the board, gesturing to the class. “Ordinarly, I would ask you to introduce yourselves-“.

A groan flows through the class.

Miss Dee smiles. “-but in favor of our lesson, and to your favor as well, we won't be doing it this year. There's no need to take notes, we'll simply be doing a quick review on our landscape.“

She gestures to the map she’s placed on the board. Gesturing to a yellow, sandy area, she asks the class, “Now, can anyone tell me what this is?“

“Patu's tomb?”

She nods. “Close, but not quite. This is Patu's tome. Here lies the god's words before he has retired permanentley. Though his tome has been moved since, you can still see the imprints and the energy from the tome when it laid there.”

She paces around the room and gestures out the window. “The master and god of sun and sand, before he passed on. His words, mostly unknown and unrecorded.“

”Now, his words aren't truly there anymore, old as they are,” she says. “but it is worth noting his tome seems to transcribe some words from the Dusted Tome.”

A murmur of confusion surrounds the class, though a student or two perks up.

'Miss Dee smiles. “Perhaps the Rune students would like to answer this?”

A boy coughs from beside you. “The Dusted Tome was discovered rather recently, two hundred years ago-”

“- and you should get to the point already.” The girl besides you mumbles. He shoots her a glare.

“Yes, yes. Anyways,” he continues. ”The tome, when discovered, was so dusty it could not be read. When they undusted it, however-”

“Who are you, the teacher?“ The girl snarks. The boy hisses at her.

Miss Dee tsks inapprovingly. “Perhaps both of you would like to continue this in the principal's office?“

The girl frowns but says no more. The boy murmurs something incomprehnsible before moving on.

“Er, anyways. As I said... the tome was filled with ancient runes. Many have tried to decipher it, but failed. However, some of these untranslatable runes were seen on Patu's tome.”

“And they give it to us as homework every year,” the girl murmurs. The boy hears her and snorts.

Miss Dee seems satisfied with this. “That is correct. Some believe that his tome is the key to unlocking the secret of the dusted one. Though it’s becoming less of a tome and more of a prophecy each year...“

She shakes her head. “Regardless. If any of you wish to see it, you will have to somehow secure a special pass to the Tome's libary. It should be near there. A quick orb should be good enough to get there and back, though I doubt it would be worth the effort.“

You mentally jot this down.

“Now, do any of you know about the god’s realms?”

Many shake their head, though a few nod. Some seem confused.

“If you’re wondering why we‘re speaking of a theoretically unchartable place when we should chart land and seas, this... is actually part of your curriculum.“ Her smile seems to falter but bounces back again. “Either way, to do those who do, would you care to explain it?“

The class continues in this fashion, with Miss Dee asking questions and the older students elaborating. So far, this is what you‘ve gathered.

God's Realms have slow the passage of time, and are unseen to mortal eyes. Literally. Each is unique, and often is based off a place in the world. This is their home.

The Tome's Libary is located near the Sem Castle. Allegedly, it is ran by the god of Tomes and Information, but really, who knows?

The Sem Castle is a leftover area, so to speak. Someone practicing their magic gave up midway, and left an enchanted forest and a castle made of proper stone, and of rather inconvient things. It’s a semi-castle.

The kingdom where you live in, your home, is known as Lanet. There‘s a known problem of creatures, filled with the nearby magic, rampaging the town.

The area where you currently are, C-Academy,is conviently rather near Patu’s tome, all things considering. However, it is seperated by a long and deep orchard ran by the Principal, who has secluded it from students. The orb would be better, all in all.

There's also a nearby town known as Lunetta. If you wish to go find a part time job, for whatever reason, you can go there. You feel as if it‘s easier to ask your mother for important things rather than earn it, though. You can visit on weekends and after classes.

There were other things as well, but you didn't note them too much. You knew most of the things they were talking about as your mother schooled you on these things long ago. For the most part, you stared out the window while waiting for class to end.

You suppouse you should've paid attention like you thought you should, but.. ultimatley, you didn't. There were other things too, but you didn't think them over too much.

Conviently, you earn 3 points in intelligence for this. You also learn Basic Geography.

It is lunch now. You could skip lunch, if you're being honest, and favor it for doing something else, but your health may falter. If you choose to eat lunch, you can decide where and with who to sit with.

Your phone buzzes again.


...Additionally, you can decide to prepare for a trip. You still can eat lunch with someone while doing it, though.

Take note you're still in the classroom, and you haven't moved yet. You can talk to the teacher, or the girl and boy from earlier who are now about to leave, but are still arguing.

[New addition unlocked: God Sumbission Form!]
[New addition unlocked: Area Submission Form!]

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-29-2017, 12:55 PM