Beef Squad

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Beef Squad
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault


"Uh, Meemo of course? I mean look at that door, who wouldn't want to party with that? Plus, you'll probably fuck up Tammy's diner, and put him and most of his customers in danger. I mean, you're an asshole-"


"Shush, it's a term of endearment. I mean you're an asshole, but I don't think you're that type of asshole. Don't prove me wrong in the next 6 hours though 'cus I'm stuck with you for that long, and being proven wrong is not that nice like at all."

Meriad gives the dark abyss a blank stare.

"Okay? I mean, I was just asking which door you want to pass through, but thanks for the speech I guess?" He says, now slightly more insecure than he was a few seconds ago, thanks to that. Meriad tries to forget the comment.
[Image: ZpC0U0U.png]
Meriad turns to the door, the fear of the unknown and outdated internet memes radiating into the darkness. He hopes that he won't walk into some weird cult thing, or while Meemo is actually running. That is the worst possible case scenario, which will result in being destroyed. Either by being ran through, or being thunder-punted into the stratosphere.

Meriad is not the gambling type.

[Image: rvqKnEz.png]

[Image: iCJyrzJ.png]
Stupid-ass lookin' circle-ass door motherfucker what is this shit he didn't ask for this who even has circle doors-
[Image: qnkj1Jc.png]

[Image: fo9rFEK.gif]

[Image: muGz3HY.png]
"Oh you found that umbrella, good shit! "

Meriad, now red in the face from embarrassment, quickly stands up, and dusts of his clothes.

"Wow, thanks for asking about my health," Meriad flicks of a stray chip off his scarf as he saunters towards the couch like he didn't just fall face first onto dirty carpet. "you didn't see that."

He leans on the arm of the couch, facing away from Meemo, umbrella dropped by his side like hot garbage. He sniffles, arms tightly crossed together as he stares at nothing in particular across the room. Meemo sits uncomfortably in the silence.

"Uh, what's with the silence? You're not acting like your usual se-"

[Image: 0EX34n4.gif]
"I think I fucked up Naomi," Meriad interrupted. "I think I actually went too far this time, and I don't know how to fix it."

" First, It's Meemo, second, I'm listening."

Meriad glances at his shoes, shame enveloping his face in a red tint once more.

"You know the uh-" Meriad clears his throat. "tall robot that works inside the castle? The one has one eye and a really long face?"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah! The one that takes the parcel every time I deliver something to your place? I know that dude, he slips me like, a hundred primes everytime I go there!"

"ha- uh, yes, mhm, that d- that guy!" Meriad nervously laughs, shoulders tense and arms rigid.
"I might have, you know.."

"Uh huh. Go on."

Meriad starts squirming

"Hit him with an umbrella really hard while I was having a tantrum and trying to leave the castle and I think he's angry at me now and I dont know what to do because he's just doing his job and I went and assaulted him and now he probably hates me and-"

[Image: aiKe9Hs.gif]

[Image: 9vNeYfE.gif]
"Stop blubbering and get in here,World2.0 news is going to start soon and they're probably gonna report on this or somethin'. They report on anything that makes a funny noise or even breathes. They'll probably jump on it like- uh..some kind of intelligent comparison! Yeah!" Meemo gives herself a pat on the back for the effort.
"Also, you need to stop hovering over there, it makes me kinda weirded out, so like stop. Please?"

Meriad snorts. "Yeah sure,whatever."

[Image: 5x9Q2U9.gif]

"...So then I was like 'it's your fault that you now have a dent in your dumb face'."

Meemo lets out an empathetic hiss, followed by uncontrollable giggles.
"Oof, I kind of feel sorry for him now. Poor guy got his face smashed in and got it called dumb."

"You're making me feel bad!" Accuses Meriad, throwing an angry stare at the short-haired girl, who is now intently gazing at the television screen, attention completely focused on the glowing glass. Meriad opens his mouth to speak, but Meemo's hand quickly puts an end to that as she shoves her palm into his face.

"Dude shhhshhhshhshh, it's starting, it's starting." she whispers.
[Image: uamfqDr.png]
Subtitles appear upon the screen, as 2 voices boom out of the small speakers on the sides of the TV.

Gordon: Hello, and welcome to the most popular news channel in Sunny district! We got 12 and half people watching us right now!

Crazy robot man: Where you can get your sweet, sweet news from the most reliable News channel of them all;

Both Gordon and crazy robot man: WORLD2.0 NEWS!

[Image: MoZfSuq.png]

Crazy robot man: Breaking ne-ew, who made this breaking news panel? Who will take us seriously with this ugly thing distracting them from something that's important enough to be called "breaking news"? Who created this?

Gordon: You did, dude. Like, 2 weeks ago.

Crazy robot man: Are you sure about that Gordon?

Gordon: Yep, I'm pretty sure-

Crazy robot man: [sound of sharp object being unsheathed from hidden compartment]

Gordon: That I'm not sure at all. Nope. Let's just move on!~

The Tv cuts to another image

[Image: WF4T1RJ.png]

Gordon: Hello Viewers! I'm here in The Cloud castle right now, to report on some very interesting happenings going on today surrounding the cloud prince, Meriad Howa the third. A video posted a few hours ago, by an anonymous civilian in Drizzle district, shows prince Meriad escaping through the castle sunroof on a very large umbrella. The umbrella. Other civilian witnesses that watched the ordeal real time say that a unit by the name of 0-N3 tried to stop him, but failed in doing so, because-...[Gordon shuffles through his notes, and stops on the last one with a furrowed brow.] "he was Assaulted with the Umbrella"? [Gordon looks up, quickly walks off screen, and starts whispering harshly with a person behind the camera. A few "are you serious?"s and "Noooo, he didnnn'tt!"s float into earshot.]

Gordon: [Gordon comes back excitedly] He did. He hit him with an umbrella. The umbrella that witnesses say he jumped through and disappeared before 0-N3 can come back to his senses. There were no reports of the prince in any of the districts, which means his escape has been proven successful. The Cloud palace has put forth a reward of a 100,000 primes for anyone who could find him, and bring him back with minimal damage.

Gordon: And now, let us see if we can get an interview with the person who experienced all of this first hand!

[Image: SafBbhg.png]

0-N3: What do you mean by "I should have been watching him"? There were three guards in the room with their eyes trained on his every movement! We checked his stats and acted accordingly to-...

[Image: q9vMagL.gif]

[Image: gxDSEhg.gif]

[Image: GWV7e3Q.gif]

Gordon: Can I get an interview can I get an interview can I-

0-N3: Did you even read the tapes you just trespassed?

Gordon: We're just asking-

0-N3: Get out. Now. Get the camera out of here, leave the castle.

Gordon: But-

0-N3:I said NOW!

[Image: tVlZlbN.gif]


[Image: Ps1NxsM.gif]

[Image: 45NEFLm.png]

Crazy robot man: ...

[Image: acQ4bVD.png]

Crazy robot man: ...GORDON?



[Image: GH2oTBt.png]

Crazy robot man: Hmmmmmhmm...

[Image: zNbPFRI.png]

Crazy robot man: Guess our Co-host Gordan Queenam is dead. Dying in the name of NEWS is quite honourable, so your sacrifice has not gone unseen, my dear friend, and co-host.

[Image: Yiu21vo.png]
In other news, Naomi Jenkins, the Sunny district's fastest and most Asshole-ish messenger, stole my car, and car keys. If you see her, please tell her that-

[Image: udaFW6G.gif]

Crazy robot man: If she doesn't bring them back, I'll murder her entire family.

Naomi grabs the remote and turns off the Tv.

"Jokes on him, my family actually deserves that! HA!" Naomi hollers, hurling the remote through the window and showering everything in a thin mist of glittering glass.

"Why do you even need a car? You're the fastest living thing on this damned planet." Interjects Meriad, picking on loose threads lining the edge of the blanket.

"I don't, but you do."
She pulls out a pair of car keys. "Besides, have you just heard what they said? 100,000 primes for your ass, don't think no taxi driver's gonna pass up on that deal, homie." She flings the car keys at Meriad, who scrambles to catch them.

"Wait, where are we going?" splutters Meriad.

"Well where do you want to go?"

>You now have the choice to actually make up a place and/or character! For example, "can we go to [place/character/both]?" Go even crazier!

But if you don't want that, I can pull up a map and place upon it some events of my own.

Messages In This Thread
Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-13-2017, 01:07 PM
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RE: Beef Squad - by NotABear - 06-13-2017, 02:45 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by NonAnalogue - 06-13-2017, 09:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-14-2017, 12:20 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-14-2017, 12:43 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Arcanuse - 06-14-2017, 12:53 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Myeth - 06-14-2017, 01:32 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Schazer - 06-14-2017, 01:29 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by Arcanuse - 06-14-2017, 02:09 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by smuchmuch - 06-14-2017, 02:26 PM
RE: Beef Squad - by NonAnalogue - 06-14-2017, 02:37 PM
RE: Beef Squad: You get shamed by God - by eerr - 06-14-2017, 07:15 PM
RE: Beef Squad: You get shamed by God - by Kowlb - 06-15-2017, 12:36 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by Tim Tesy - 06-17-2017, 11:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by eerr - 06-18-2017, 02:54 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-18-2017, 03:27 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Well shit. - by NonAnalogue - 06-18-2017, 07:38 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Well frick - by Myeth - 06-20-2017, 11:11 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Dorsidwarf - 06-20-2017, 11:50 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Tim Tesy - 06-21-2017, 01:09 AM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by AABowser - 06-21-2017, 03:26 PM
RE: Beef Squad: Umbrella assault - by Myeth - 06-22-2017, 11:34 AM