Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
“So, how’s the weather today?”

Leon snorts. ”Bright as ever. Maybe this 'Lux' the guards believe in is actually working today.”

You offer a shrug in return. ”My house always had a sunny sky. Shouldn‘t it be the same here?

Leon seems a bit confused. “No rain?"

”There were light showers. Literal ones.“

“Here, we have regular showers. They're in the bathroom."

You snort as an akward silence falls between the both pf you. You glance at the prefects nearby, before turning to Leon.

“Have you ever got caught skipping class before?“ You say.

[Perception roll: Leon rolls a 5.]

Leon looks at you with a confused expression. “Er, no. I don‘t think it‘s worth the risk, anyways. Why?“

[Perception roll: Prefect rolls an 18.]

A nearby prefect seems to have overheard your conversation. They step over to you. “That is a good question. Why?“

You mentally sweat bullets. “I was just curious. We could just.. hide in the bathrooms to skip, right? I was wondering if it was a common occurence.“ After a pause, you add, ”I am new here, after all.”

[Jack rolls an 18. The prefect rolls a 2.]

The prefect seems to not have caught on, but nods. They seem to believe you. “That makes sense, I suppouse. I hope you won‘t end up being a trouble maker like Miss Shirley over there,” they say with a roll of their eyes. ”Always getting into trouble. This time, she did something for someone‘s friendship. I’m starting to suspect she thinks she’s stronger than she thinks.“

They leave with a wave to both of you. “Take care.“

[Leon rolls a 19.]

Leon seems a little apalled that this happened, but doesn’t comment on it. “...Try not to skip class next time, alright? I thought you‘d get into real trouble there.“

You nod, though you suspect some unseen tension between you two has thickened.

[Leon is now a little cautious of you.]

Eventually, you two reach the geography classroom. They give you a sincere smile and a wave. “I’ll see you tommorow.“

[Leon has left your party.]

You decide with that last event, it would be better not to risk skipping again. It was only through sheer luck the prefect didn’t suspect a thing.

You ignore these thoughts for the meantime and enter your geography classroom.

You are greeted by a rather buff teacher, to put it simply. You‘re pretty sure that this is a geography classroom, but she makes you second guess it with your apperance.

"Welcome to class," she says, smiling at you. “What’s your name?“

“Jack Aiden, ma'am.”

She nods. “You may call me Miss Dee. As you know, I’ll be your Geography teacher. Feel free to sit anywhere you want. Class will start in five minutes.“

You nod and search the classroom. There’s a scarce amount of free chairs, but you don‘t recognize anyone here in this class. You decide to simply take the one closest to you. Your seatmate seems to grumble a little seeing you, but does nothing. Maybe it's your glamour sparkles?

There‘s a small buzz in your pocket.

You find this.. strange. You didn't bring your phone with you to class how the actual heck, you think.

Regardless, you decide to open it.

There is a text from an unknown number.


...Well. What will you reply, if ever? You can always choose to ignore it.

[As this is an automated event, the game wishes to remind you that if you pursue the sun goddes correctly, the moon goddes will be permantley locked out for this run. Proceed?]


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-26-2017, 08:28 AM