The Daydreamer Project: Teatime

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The Daydreamer Project: Teatime
The Daydreamer Project: Teatime


[Image: HFe3v71.png]

There once lived a girl who could see the dreams that other people dreamed in their heads at night.

Though this gift was a very special one, she much preferred to stay within her own dreams when she slept.

Because the girl had learned - as all children sadly do - that the world is not always very nice and people are not always very kind, she had made the decision at a very young age that she did not want to know all those nasty things that lurked within the thoughts of those around her. Instead, she made a place inside her head where she could go when she wanted the world to feel a bit more pleasant.

The girl spent many hours of her youth inside that special place. Her parents suspected it was something she would soon 'grow out' of - but the world did not become any nicer, nor the people in it any kinder, as the little girl grew. In fact, by the time the girl was a young woman it oftentimes seemed to her that the opposite proved true.

And so that special place remained, atop the highest peaks in the land of dreams, waiting for her mind to drift there when she needed to pay a visit.




[Image: PZXHp6R.png]

"Lynette," Professor Goodnight coos, "Look up at me."

[Image: C9imkTH.png]

You rise to the dim glow of candlelight, but your vision has already adjusted.

[Image: PVBpclI.png]

"Oh...? Here, again?"

[Image: TBfUSxf.png]

Professor Goodnight tilts his head curiously. He does not blink, and he does not break eye contact.
"Your behavior lately has been worrying the others. I don't mean to impose but... you haven't been sleeping well, have you?"

You barely have a chance to open your mouth again before he cuts you off.

"Oh, no, no - wait, no need for us to rush this. Get up. Stretch your legs. Go for a walk, if you need to. I'll be here to talk about it when you're ready."

[Image: BcOTCKD.png]

You rise, steadily, to your feet, bracing yourself against the table just to be safe.

The rules of this place have a tendency to change a bit between visits.

Sometimes the whole tower will shift beyond recognition, save the few rooms that are always right where you need them to be. It would be impolite to keep Professor Goodnight waiting for too long, but it might be worth taking a bit of time to look about and orient yourself if you're going to spend another night here.

[Image: XI1nJUl.png]

To your relief, up is still up and down is still down as far as you can tell. With your first steps away from the table you find gravity to be working as it's supposed to - in this room, at least.

Professor Goodnight looks watches quietly as you step in the direction of the window.

[Image: HMvdAUW.png]

High above the clouds, the only thing that greets you from this direction is Dreamland's lonely moon. Everything else - that is to say, whatever else is down there - rests countless miles below.

"Take your time," you hear Professor Goodnght say. "We're safe. Whatever's been bothering you can't find you up here."

What do you do?


Messages In This Thread
The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Mr Machine - 06-14-2017, 09:16 PM
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Arcanuse - 07-04-2017, 09:21 PM
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Arcanuse - 07-09-2017, 06:45 AM
RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - by Myeth - 07-09-2017, 09:47 AM