Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
You think briefly about talking about the 'higher ups', so to speak, but decide against it. It’s usually a touchy topic. Maybe after you’ve become better friends, you could probably discuss it without much worry.

You decide to talk about an old friend you had. You know that, at least, this would be a good way to fill the silence.

“I used to have a good friend too, actually.“

Leon’s eyebrows rise at words ’used to’, but doesn’t ask. “Who were they?”

“A guard! And I know she’s training hard to be a good one, too.“

A fresh vision comes to your mind of a girl holding a sword hilt, with a younger version of you cowering a bit behind her.

“She was brave.“

In your mind‘s eyes, you see a boar.

“I met her when I wandered off too far from the path.“

The path under the two girls solidifies. Runes cover it, but they aren’t glowing.

“The path wasn’t fixed yet, so.. something came out after me.“

The boar growls. Leaves and thimbles cover its fur, but you can clearly see the bits of scales on it.

“I don‘t know what it was.“

The girl with the sword raises her sword.

“But.. she saw me. Guarding the path, she said.

The little girl behind her tries to hold a small glow in her hands.

“I’m glad she found me.“

Her sword strikes the beast.

“I don’t know what would‘ve happened if she didn’t.”

The beast clenches its teeth.

“...Where is she now?“

It lunges.

Living her dream, I hope.“

The smaller girl cries out. The elder closes her eyes, ready to accept her fate.

“Which is?”

Light shoots through the boar.

“Learning to be a guard, of course!'

The elder looks in surprise. She turns to see the smaller girl hugging an imposing figure, gathering light in her hands.

“She said when I left that she was going to aim for the bigger missions.“

The elder looks to the side and bites her lip. The figure frowns, yet speaks.

“What was her name?“

“It was..“

Memory log.Show

“-Reviel. Have you heard of her?“

Leon tilts their head and shakes it. “It sounds familiar, I’m sure, but..“They paused to play with the pages of their book. You hadn‘t noticed they took it out. “..I can‘t place it.“

You give them a funny look. ”Hm. Well.. I hope she’s making a good name for herself with the others, either way.”

They grin at you. ”I’m sure she has.”

There’s a pause before Leon asks, “Were you close?“

You nod, more quickly than you should’ve. “Yeah. My mom made her.. stick around me a lot. It was kind of hard not to be, really.“

Leon tilts their head. “I’ve always thought she wouldn‘t have been.”

This takes you by suprise. “Why not?”

“Guards are raised to be distant, aren’t they?” They seemingly gesture to the sky. “So they don’t get attached to people. Pity the enemies. Liabilites, they say.”

“She volunteered.“

They stop playing with their book. “Willingly?“

She says she did– she said something to me about how she always wanted to protect the people she cared about.“ You pause. “Obviously that bit wasn‘t told to the guards, but...“

“How was she accepted as a volunteer?“ Leon seems bewildered. “That’s-“

“Impossible, right?“ You smile. “She was, well.. better than every other person who ever volunteered. And my mother said something about them running low..“

They bite their lip and look away. “They’re running out of troops for the war, aren’t they?“

You don’t say anything for a while.


You sigh. “I don‘t know, but.. yes, probably.”

Leon looks at the sky again.

“Why reject every other volunteer, then? Why her?“

“Every other volunteer was weaker than her. They only wanted a home, nothing more.” You pause. “And.. I was told they’re going to use all the stationary guards for the war.”


Leon closes their book suddenly.

“I’m not sure if we should think about this. Do you?”

You stay silent for a moment. You’re not sure what to say now. You were usually told you should think about what would happen to avoid it, on the other hand.. it’s scary, what they’re fighting for out there.

What will you say?

Another A/N.Show

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RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 06-13-2017, 02:10 PM