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RE: Mundus Deus (Certainly NSFW, Wooden pecker people)
06-10-2017, 11:08 PM
Stumpkin thoughts
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SpoilerWell now, the Stumpkin are doing quite well for themselves. Actual shelters! Art! I dare say we have the foundations for a new culture right here... Though with the flying shark about this budding culture might not be around too much longer. Far too early to call it, but an outside intervention may be needed.
Woodbore thoughts
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SpoilerToo early to say much about them. Although given the number of eggs, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the distant future a rather large and hungry horde tumbles out of the forest.
Ned thoughts
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SpoilerNed is doing quite well considering they haven't existed terribly long. As a small outside gift for their work, a backpack to carry things. Keep up the good work Ned!
Cube thoughts
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SpoilerThe cube has served its secondary role of terraforming the world, but it's primary function of recording all it sees/feels/hears/learns continues. Though given its size it would seems to be, well. stuck. Can't really move it around as-is, though. too large to avoid squishing things. Will come back to this later.
Gift of Intervention
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SpoilerGiven how short their existence has been, it would be a darn shame for something too horrendous to happen. As a gift to each present and future species they will have *one* free Intervention. They will not be informed of this until the first time Intervention may be necessary. Of course, they can turn down the offer and save their one Intervention until later.
(Said later may be them realizing that no, they really can't handle it on their own.)
Hopefully that last one won't be needed quite yet.
Hang in there stumpkins!
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.