Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)

Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
RE: Mundus Deus (maybe nsfw, depending on you)
(06-05-2017, 09:38 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »A moon to orbit the world below.
Some land for things other than fish to live.
Some grass, bushes, and trees.
And a very peculiar entity.
*Said entity is a denizen of the world, and appropriately small

[Image: G3BvVyk.jpg]

The harp maiden stops playing and stood up. cupping her hands to her mouth, she blew and a pearl sphere came into existence. The harp maiden then placed this pearl in orbit around the world, thus becoming the moon.

The world began to turn

[Image: JDgodau.gif]

The bee with a big butt, then started flying in orbit around the crimson creature and fire fly, who are now the suns.

[Image: oHqfzzW.gif]

[Image: kWfAILF.gif]

[Image: csH92U5.gif]

The suns bringing warmth, evaporating the sea and producing clouds.
Land of volcanic rock began to rise up from the sea creating a small land mass.
Lichen and moss then grew and died repeatedly on the rock which turned into soil.
Grass emerged from the soil and then saplings followed.
Brushes and trees grew from those saplings and blossomed

"Wait! We are not making the plants by hand too?" said a vanar

"This seems very shake and bake with sprinkles of laziness" said another vanar

"Time saving!" quickly said a vanar

[Image: 6awT4K9.jpg]

Then out of the ground, came a being, short and thin with sticky arms and legs that ends in points. It has no head but one eye in its chest, it has no mouth to speak or scream.

It knows itself as a NED but wishes to call itself something else. Not that there IS anyway he could tell anyone it or anyone to tell it to

When NED closes its eyes it can see and feel the cube. NED has control over the Terraform cube. Like its part of NED

The Vanar then spoke in concern

"What? A living creature? Its too early I say! Too early for it to come into the world!"

"The poor thing will perish! We haven't even gone down into the world yet and setup a eco system! How will it survive with out the fruits I make?"

"or the animals and forest I devise?"

"The seasons I plan"

"Birth, Growth, Offspring, Death cycles"

"I would not worry too much about it. It has no need to partake in sustenance. It doesn't even have a mouth. Nor does it live or breath like the people of the world to come"

"So what purpose does it have?"

"Well it does have control over the cube, which IS the instrument of creation of that world. It can create all those things you all worry about"

"Utter laziness!"

"Time saving!"

(06-06-2017, 07:58 AM)Myeth Wrote: »A big can of eternal beans.

[Image: OEAPdpU.gif]

Screaming through the cosmos came a object of fire, directly approaching the world. breaking through the atmosphere and impacting on the land mass making a small creator.

A Rainbow can of beans lay bedded in the earth.

"I didnt sing that!" said a vanar

"Must of come from the other planets!"

"That shouldn't be possible! Nothing can interfere or be part of the world while its being created, someone must of sung it"

All the vanar went quiet

Then Aiu spoke "It is true, a vanar did sing it into being, I know who but shall not say, in the end, it will be part of this world to its completion.

(phew im tired! nap time)

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