Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)

Mundus Deus (NSFW, Visions, souls and airships)
RE: Mundus Deus (maybe nsfw, depending on you)
(06-04-2017, 08:55 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »A tall woman with a harp as a head.

[Image: J34hrVR.gif]

This time a tall, moon white figure appears from the void, it ethereally moves into the vision. It had a strange crescent harp for a head!

"oh look! that figure has a harp for a head" a vanar said

"got some curves on it too! I say a female" another peeped

"but we got three things in this vision but nothing of a world has been shown!" an vanar said frustratingly

Aiu then said "patience, for what you see is only the beginning, a world will be created for all to see"

The Vanar watch and wait even more

the moon white figure then slowly knelt to her knees, lowered its head and played her silvery harp strings. she plucked a soothing and elegant note, which all the vanar listened with delight.

Some vanar swayed with the music, played by moon white maiden.

even the small blue figure and the fluttering creature, where enchanted by the music.

The vanar where joyous of the music but still they waited for the world to be, to see a glimmer of what kind of world their music had created.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mundus Deus (maybe nsfw, depending on you) - by Tim Tesy - 06-04-2017, 10:03 PM
RE: Mundus Deus (NSFW, Bare Ent Butz) - by Myeth - 06-23-2017, 04:22 PM
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