RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-19-2012, 04:28 AM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Worked on a post for Battle Majestic.
- Solaris: Worked on a passage for SaHNoWriMo and wrote a post for Battle Royale Season 2 and wrote something mysterious.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a passage in SaHNoWriMo and worked on a post for Vivacious Deadlock.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Worked on a post for Vendetta.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Wrote a post for Mori.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Worked on a post and wrote a script for Black Temple.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote six Talon Exercises.
My own writing for the week:
Sunday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Monday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo and a post for Inexorable Altercation.
Tuesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Thursday - Wrote a silly story.
Friday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Saturday - Wrote a silly story.
I actually enjoyed this week quite a bit even if it wasn't incredibly productive outside of SaHNoWriMo. My gangsters story yesterday was a lot of fun to write, as was Thursday's story.