Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You walk over to the gray hoodie person and give a small wave. They just look at you then nod in acknowledgement.

Understanding that they won’t say anything more than that, you try to strike up a conversation. “Excuse me, aren’t you going to leave?”

“Do you need this seat that badly?” They glare at you.

“Well, no, but I was simply wondering what you were doing.”

“Reading a book.”

“I meant after class. Everyone’s left already.”

They look up from their book and notice the near-empty state of the classroom, then shrug.

“It‘s my free period.”

You glance up at the clock. If you stay any longer, you’ll definetly be late for Algebra. On the other hand... algebra.

You decide to continue talking with this person in the meantime. You can always find a way to make up for it. Eventually.

“And I take it you enjoy spending these in the English classroom?“

Their cheeks color before they huff, close their book and stand up.

“Do you have a better place in mind?” They shoot a glare at you.

You can clearly see this as an opening to get to know them better and possibly gain a new friend. On the other hand, you could escape to your room and do.. other things.

Which path do you choose? Take note that if you truly intend to skip class to get to know them, you will have to find a way to not get caught. Staying in your dorm however doesn’t make you do any rolls, as no one (re: the teacher, who probably wouldn’t send a prefect for someone skipping) would look for you there.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 05-25-2017, 08:54 AM